Thursday, 15 January 2015 19:00

The Five Best Movies Of 2014

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Another year has come and gone, and now it's time to give extreme props to the Five Best Movies of 2014. 

Last year was another year where animation and superheroes dominated the box office and actual theater space. Seems there were more IMAX, 3D and special screen movies than ever.  As a result some of the great movies waited for wide release till late in the year or early this year.  And others simply were lost in the hype of the blockbusters.

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Again though, it was phenomenal for small movies. In fact like 2013, they were some of the best movies of the year.  I saw about 150 movies last year, and you'll notice that my list again this year is going to look far different than many national year end lists.  I think that gives credence the local critic, we can't all agree on all movies, and I don't believe that national critics do either.  So let's go.  There will also be some honorable mentions.

The Five Best Movies of 2014

1/  American Sniper  -  This movie is amazing.  Clint Eastwood directs, Bradley Cooper acts,and the story is compelling beyond belief.  Modern "war" movies have taken a hard turn to "real."  Characters that are well developed and ones you have met before. This true story is one all should know.  Eastwood makes great movies and Cooper is Hollywood's best leading man right now.  Incredible. Both should win the Oscar. A story worth learning about. In theaters now.

2/  Chef  -  One of the more original and one of the more entertaining movies in a long time. What a great, and quirky little movie about a chef, and his crazy life on the job and off. One of the best scripts of the year, brought to life with an all-star cast. Funny, dramatic, real, relevant, and one of the real feel good movies of the past 20 years. Simply great. Stream this if you missed this.

3/ Begin Again  -  Another small movie that gets tons of originality points here.  Story of a down and out music business guy who doesn't know the biz has passed him by.  But he get one last chance with a new female singer at recording greatness.  Mark Ruffalo, Keira Knightley, Hailee Steinfeld,  and Adam Levine star. The original music isreally great and the story is same. Knightley is amazing here. Stream this as well, will not disappoint.

4/  The Drop  -  James Gandolfini, Tom Hardy and Noomi Repace star in another movie that got little play. Gandolfini in his last role.  Movie about the dirty work of organized crime in today's contemporary world, but brought down to a personal level.  This movie is brilliantly acted, and the story is original and strong.  This movie also looks great in every regard.  Stream this as well.  Great movie.

5/  St. Vincent  -  How great is this little movie? Bill Murray, Melissa McCarthy, Naomi Watts and a great supporting cast in a story that keeps you glued from start to finish. This is relevant, and spot on in its topicality.  You never stop learning about our main characters, and the acting and directing are amazing here.  This is funny, sad, and moving all at the same time. Stream this. Terrific!

Honorable Mentions

Birdman -  The "continuous shot" movie technique is incredibly innovative and effective. Could win a Best Director Oscar.  This movie has 9 Oscar nominations.  In limited release now.

Boyhood - Golden Globe winner. Filmed over 13 years with the same cast. Insanely original idea. This too could win a number of Oscars, including Best Picture, as Hollywood loves this.

Foxcatcher - Great movie and Steve Carell would win the Oscar in any other year, but Bradley  Cooper will win this year.  True story and performances are great. In theaters now.

A Most Wanted Man - Philip Seymour Hoffman's final movie, and the best performance of his career.  If you like political thrillers, stream this intensely good movie.

The Imitation Game - This movie looks great and tells another true story from WWII you don't know. Benedict Cumberbatch is great.  Keira Knightley again is fantastic she should win the Oscar for this. What a year she had. In theaters now.

There they are, the Five Best Movies of 2014. Also, check out my list of the Five Worst Movies, of the past year.


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Read 2622 times Last modified on Friday, 16 January 2015 17:58
