Saturday, 21 February 2015 00:00

MOVIE REVIEW - Kingsman: The Secret Service

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When graphic novels or comic books come to life, the movie going world seems to unite behind it. Here comes Kingsman, and it's the latest to show up big at the box office.

Kingsman is a modern comic book brought to the screen, and it's a very interesting marriage of James Bond, and the modern action movie. It has people talking and movie goers loving this. And for the most part, Kingsman is quite good.  Although, there is a fumble or two in this but none of it is a deal breaker.


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This movie uses the great formula from Bond, of creating a compelling villain that drives this cleanly down the road.  Plus, that formula sets this up to be successful for sequels to come.  It has worked for Bond for 50 years.  That formula keeps it fresh and gives it great shelf life.

A "Kingsman" is an amazingly trained secret agent based in London that is off the radar. Even from the British Government. They were formed after WW1, and they answer to no one, and no one officially knows they exist.  They are the new Knights Of The Round Table, even using classic knight names as their code names. 

The villain here is, Richmond Valentine (Samuel L. Jackson).  He is a whacked out high tech mogul that has bought into the climate change debate world wide in a big way.  He believes that the only way to fix the problem is to drastically reduce the worlds population for humans to survive.  So he offers everyone on earth a "free Sim card" that gives them free phone, texts, emails TV, and free communication for life. Billions worldwide are installed, but there is a problem.  The device with the new card now, can be activated to make people loose their mind,  turn o each other, and eventually kill each other all over the world.  Thus, reduce the population.

Enter the Kingsman, who are going to try to stop him and save the world.  With their gadgetry, and training and the will to win.  There of course is tons more to this story, but the fun is in the discovery when seeing this.  In addition to Jackson, this stars Colin Firth, Micheal Cane, Taron Egerton, and a really nice supporting cast that gives this a real nice feel. This is fun, action based, violent at times, and really funny.  This is a very nice mix of many good things that are fun for adults to see.  This is rated R, and well deserved.

On the downside, there are a couple scenes that are a bit too violent and certainly too long. This also belabors itself, and is too long. But the action for most part is fun, and this movie has a real nice look to it.  I can see more on the horizon, and certainly primed for success.  This also makes very loud social commentary if you watch closely, and sends a huge message on personal privacy.

Kingman: The Secret Service.  Fun.


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