Monday, 06 May 2024 06:15

Daily Scoop, 5/6/24

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Today is Monday, May 6th- It IS- National Nurses Week/Nurses Day, Teacher Appreciation Week, Sauvignon Blanc Day, Beverages Day

The average person will pick their favorite candy at age 11.

Ohio's favorite baby names / Boys- Oliver, Liam, Noah, Henry and Theodore. / Girls- Charlotte, Olivia, Amelia, Sophia and Ava

Paperclipping Dating- Paperclipping is when an ex reaches out intermittently not because they're interested but rather to keep you on the back burner as an option.

Skittles Littles, a smaller, more "poppable" version of the chewy candy,

We said Oreos are the most popular snack food in the USA

Right now, movies are 40% less likely to include love scenes than in years past

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