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Sunday, 25 January 2015 19:00

Daily Scoop for Week of January 26th

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Friday Scoop: 

Friday January 30th…super Friday..the Friday before super bowl Sunday is the big day

National Croissant Day Kristian Bush Day...he is at the Dusty for a WQMX charity show tonight 

On  this day in 1969- the Beatles make their last public performance giving an impromptu concert on the roof of the London recording studio. They officially break up in April of the same year. (Sue loves the Beatles) 

Super Bowl Sunday is America’s second biggest day of eating – just behind Thanksgiving. The average person will consume more than 2,400 calories during the game. Remember, that’s just during the game.

Here are some more Super Bowl food facts:  11.2 million pounds of potato chips are eaten during the game. 1.25 billion chicken wings are scarfed down (enough to stretch from Seattle to Boston) 69.9 million pounds of avocados are consumed. 49.2 million cases of beer are sold on game day. Antacid sales increase by 20% on Monday 

Josh Gordon shares his side of the story in a long letter. What do you think?

Justin Bieber was on Ellen admitting he has done some dumb things. 

Tim McGraw will sing Glen Campbell's Oscar-nominated song "I'm Not Gonna Miss You" during the live television broadcast on Feb. 22.

On the heels of my binge watching several shows….Parenthood –series finale was last night. Sniff sniff.

A study shows that binge watching TV is linked to feelings of loneliness and depression.

Want the perfect name for your baby? Believe it or not, if you are willing to spend $32,000- a Swedish company will come up with the best name for your bundle of joy.

More good news about red wine … A study found that drinking a glass of red wine is the equivalent of working out for an hour at the gym.

But...Ending your day a glass of red wine before bed might calm your mind, but may ruin your sleep. According to a new study, alcohol does help you get to sleep quickly, but the sleep you get is not very high quality. 

Thursday Scoop: Today is  National Puzzle Day~National Corn Chip Day, Happy Birthday to Oprah! She is 60 - 

It’s all about the superbowl—do you care ? Are you watching? 

 In other sports scoop: Cavs!!! They won big Wednesday--Portland in town last night  99=94 8 in a row Kyrie 55 points

Is stress getting the best of you? Take a hike. Researchers from the University of Michigan and Edge Hill University in England found that people who regularly took walks out in nature were less depressed and better equipped to deal with stressful situations. (Outside)

According to a new survey, nearly two out of five small and mid-size U.S. businesses said they plan to increase salaries in the next six months. This is the highest level in six years.

Living near a Starbucks can possibly enhance the resale value of your home. Crazy, huh?

Many local police departments are asking to quit calling 911 to report social media outages.

Jet Blu is offering a new service called CoatChex out of JFK Airport. You leave your coat at the airport if you are flying off to warmer climates – like the balmy Caribbean. (Testing it there)

According to the some study-- Americans ate a lot of burgers in 2014. Like … a lot, a lot. Nine billion burgers to be exact. That’s more than one burger for every single person on the planet. That’s about 28 burgers for every American.

According to a new report, legal marijuana is the fastest growing industry in the U.S. Legal marijuana grew in 2014 to $2.7 billion – which is up from $1.5 billion in 2013.

That’s a margin of 74%, which is ridiculous for any industry.  The report predicts the market to grow by 32% this year and continue exploding as more states legalize for both recreational and medical use.

According to a new study  money can make you less sad, but not necessarily happy. In studying the effects of income on happiness, the researchers made a distinction between lack of sadness and real, honest-to-goodness happiness, and found that more money won’t make you any more optimistic or upbeat – but it can make life’s inconveniences suck a whole lot less. The study subjects who made more money were found to experience less sadness on a daily basis – but not more happiness. So, don’t blame your lack of happiness on your lack of money. That’s not a money problem. It’s a “you” problem. 

Monday Scoop. Today is Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day– Opposite Day. National Peanut Brittle Day—and on this date in 1998, Bill Clinton denied Lewinsky affair on TV. – There will NOT be a film about Bill Clinton on HBO. He will not agree to the questions Martin Scorsese wants to ask.

Oh and Ben Franklin officially nominates the turkey to be the national symbol of the USA

Cavs won again! 6 in a row. Pro Bowl Last Night - Whos cares? Lol – it does raise a bunch of money for charity. Superbowl is this Sunday

American Sniper is breaking every January Box office record 166 million so far.

Big Blizz Headed to the East Coast today. Some places will get 2 feet of snow! - NOT US!

The nominees for the 50th annual Academy of Country Music Awards will be revealed Tuesday.

If you've always wanted that backyard ice rink, you'd better hurry -- Skymall has filed for bankruptcy.

There seems to be medical evidence that people that are the best at sports, are conceived in winter - So get busy

A company in Oregon is now making beer out of sewage! They say it taste great!

Says that the majority of women say that mascara is the cosmetic that makes them feel irresistible.

Box Office Biggies:  American Sniper (again) 50 million – The Boy Next Door 15 million (Johnny Depp FLOPS 4.3 million - Mortdecai)

According to a new study, people are much more successful in their quest to become and stay fit when they work out with their significant other.

Read 3194 times Last modified on Friday, 30 January 2015 07:06