Monday, 16 January 2017 06:17

Daily Scoop, Week of 1/16/17

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Today is Friday, January 20th- It IS – Inauguration Day 2017, National Disc Jockey Day, Cheese Lovers Day

Happy Birthday – Brantley Gilbert 32

World Champion Cavs (30-11) – SPURS in town Saturday Night! (Cavs had same record last year at the halfway point)

The Raiders officially filed with the NFL to move the team to Vegas.

Break out the tissues - Beaches - on Lifetime premieres tomorrow

The Walking Dead has toned down the violence after the backlash from season 7.

If you eat dinner early - and don't eat anything else - you will lose more weight.

Trending- Fireball Cupcakes, but not for kid's birthdays!

Well, the White House is not currently for sale, but if it was - just under $400 million.

Most Americans now get their news from Facebook. But most don't really trust it


Today is Thursday, January 19th- It IS - Get to Know Your Customers Day, Popcorn Day

Happy Birthday to Dolly Parton, she is 71!


You've been waiting and now it is officially official... Will & Grace – Green-lighted - 10 episodes ordered for NBC

This is Us renewed for 2 more seasons!!!

People's Choice Awards – You voted for Finding Dory as your favorite movie – Ryan Reynolds, Jennifer Lawrence also big winners.

At 79 and after 60 years in the business, Jack Nickolson is retiring.

41% of women IN relationships dread Valentine’s Day

The world's most popular password is 123456...

If you fly a bunch, American Airlines is offering a cheaper ticket - with a catch. You MAY NOT use the overhead bin on the plane

While your watching the Superbowl commercials this year - just think they cost 5 million for 30 seconds this year.

About 20 percent of teens lose sleep EVERY NIGHT because of Social Media


Today is Wednesday, January 18th- It IS - Thesaurus Day (What does a thesaurus eat for breakfast?? A Synonym Roll.) Pooh (Winnie The) Day, Gourmet Coffee Day

Get your bets in - Vegas says - Patriots and Falcons in the Superbowl.

The People's Choice Awards are on tonight - CBS 

Lady Gaga wants to perform on the ROOF at the Superbowl Halftime show. They are looking into it

A deleted scene from The Force Awakens shows Chewbacca ripping off someone's arm.

Rogue One is nearing 1 billion! It's also 2016's biggest grossing movie.

The Cadbury Oreo Creme Egg is coming to the US next month

If you are looking for a job, good news, Wal-Mart to add about 10,000 retail jobs...

About half of men told pollsters they regret breaking up with their last girlfriend

Got a song stuck in your head? Here’s how to flush it out. Chew gum.

About half of women say a bad hair day lowered their self-confidence as many as three days in the last month.


Today is Tuesday, January 17th- It IS – Ditch New Years Resolutions Day, Fad Diets and Gimmicks Day, Girl Scouts Cookie time, Tell Us Something Good Tuesday!

Happy 95th Birthday to Betty White!!!!!!

World Champion Cavs (29-11) – Lost last night, off till Thursday and at home

The last man to walk on the moon Gene Cernan died yesterday - (1972) (There are only 6 moon walkers left)

Jeff Goldblum is going to be dad again at the age of 64!

September and October have replaced May and June as the most popular wedding months, and the average engagement is 14.4 months.

Guys, if you want to be more attractive to women, here’s a tip: Keep your back straight. Whether you’re sitting or standing.

The Good News- We have learned of a good way to make kids feel good about themselves – The Bad News – It's taking selfies

About 50% of women between 18 and 35 spent more buying coffee than they did putting money into a retirement account in the last year.

Carrie Underwood and Keith Urban are both set to perform at next month’s Grammy Awards.


Today is Monday, January 16th- It is – MLK Day, National Day of Service, Hot and Spicy Food Day, Nothing Day, today is considered the most depressing day of the year

World Champion Cavs (29-10) – At The Warriors tonight

The NBA is considering shortening games due to attention spans getting shorter...

Zac Brown Band will be at Blossom on June 9th!!

Better get there before May, because Ringling Brothers Circus, CLOSING forever after 146 years!

Toby Keith and Lee Greenwood among the artists to perform at Trump's inauguration.

Johnny Depp and Amber Heard are now divorced...cost him 7 million.

Jack Daniel's teaming up with the a coffee company to create Jack Daniel's Tennessee Whiskey Coffee.

About half of us don’t have enough money saved for an unexpected bill...

Good news for spicy food lovers, it has been found people who eat hot peppers live longer.

Today is a free day at the Akron Zoo - BTW had a record year of 2016.....incredible support from you and our family all year long.

Read 2390 times Last modified on Friday, 20 January 2017 06:18