Morning Show Stories

"Scott and Sarah" is Scott Wynn & Sarah Kay, along with the crew of Katie Lee on news, and Producer James. When you join them each morning from 5:30 to 10:00am you'll feel like you're hanging out with your friends, listening to your favorite country music, staying up on what's happening in the news, in the community, staying informed and entertained along with friends and listeners. Plus, some great daily features that start your day with a smile:
  • The Daily Scoop at 6:10 and 8:10 keeping you up on what's trending sponsored by Stark Federal Credit Union
  • The Nashville News at 6:50 to keep you up to date on all things country music
  • The National Anthem: we salute our country and those who serve every morning at 7:00, brought to you by Veterans Service Commission of Summit County
  • Country Pet Rescue: Every Thursday Morning at 8:40 we feature our dog or cat of the week with Pay it Forward for Pets, with the goal of finding them a forever home, brought to you Wilson Plumbing and Heating.
  • You'll also find inspiration and motivation with our Quote of The Day brought to you by Acme Fresh Market
  • At 7:40 every day, we give away fun prizes with the Nearly Impossible Question brought to you by Bonksy Heating and Cooling
  • Local Business of the Day happens at 8:20, where we feature a local business
At WQMX we make YOU, our listeners, a part of every show by using every conceivable technology available so you can connect with us on the air, online, on your mobile, via text, on Facebook, Instagram and in person!
Listen at 7:40 for your chance to win: VALENTINE'S PRIZE PACK A pair of tickets to see Rodney Atkins on Saturday, February 17th at Thirsty Cowboy,$50.00 Gift Card to LONGHORN STEAKHOUSE,$50.00 to EDIBLE ARRANGEMENTS in Green,A Dozen Roses from PAM’S POSIES in Akron,2 pound Chocolate & nut mix from the PEANUT SHOPPE, A $25.00 Gift Card to KS SALON SUITES in Uniontown,A strawberry heart cake from REEVES CAKE SHOP! GRAND PRIZE: Valentine’s Package for 2…
Friday, 09 February 2018 06:20

Sarah Kay's Nashville News, 2/9/18

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  Friday, 2/9 Dierks and Luke are out of hosting the ACMs…Carrie Underwood may be trying for baby #2…
Friday, 09 February 2018 06:18

Quote of the Day, 2/9/18

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Friday, 2/9 Never hope for it more than you work for it.
Friday, 09 February 2018 06:15

Daily Scoop, 2/9/18

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  Today is Friday, February 9th- It IS - Read in the Bathtub Day, National Bagel Day, Pizza Day (We eat approximately 100 acres of pizza every day, or 350 slices per second.) Cavs make 3 huge trades, let go of 1/3 of the roster! Mandy Moore says the next episode of This is Us is “even more heartbreaking.” Dunkin Donuts is getting rid of all styrofoam cups by 2020. Redheads will soon have their own emojis!!…
Monday, 29 January 2018 07:52

Website of the Day, Week of 1/29/18

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    Wednesday, 1/31 Hallmark Channel Countdown to Valentine's Day with 3 movies!
Monday, 29 January 2018 06:35

Sarah Kay's Nashville News, Week of 1/29/18

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  Wednesday, 1/31 Carrie Underwood got pulled over for the first time…Darius Rucker to sing before the Super Bowl…
Listen at 7:40 for your chance to win: A family 4-pack of tickets toPAW PATROL LIVE!“The Great Pirate Adventure”running Friday, February 9th thru Sunday, February 11th at Playhouse Square in Cleveland!
Monday, 29 January 2018 06:21

Quote of the Day, Week of 1/29/18

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Wednesday, 1/31 Believe you can and you are halfway there.
Monday, 29 January 2018 06:17

Daily Scoop, Week of 1/29/18

Written by
  Today is Wednesday, January 31st- It IS - Inspire Your Heart with Art Day, Backward Day, Hot Chocolate Day! We will spend about 4 billion on Super Bowl betting this week - only 138 million of it legal! If you are hosting a Super Bowl party Sunday, the average cost to you is about $207! You may consume 4,000 calories on Sunday. Will Smith says Fresh Prince of Bel-Air action figures are coming to stores with a possible…
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