Morning Show Stories

"Scott and Sarah" is Scott Wynn & Sarah Kay, along with the crew of Katie Lee on news, and Producer James. When you join them each morning from 5:30 to 10:00am you'll feel like you're hanging out with your friends, listening to your favorite country music, staying up on what's happening in the news, in the community, staying informed and entertained along with friends and listeners. Plus, some great daily features that start your day with a smile:
  • The Daily Scoop at 6:10 and 8:10 keeping you up on what's trending sponsored by Stark Federal Credit Union
  • The Nashville News at 6:50 to keep you up to date on all things country music
  • The National Anthem: we salute our country and those who serve every morning at 7:00, brought to you by Veterans Service Commission of Summit County
  • Country Pet Rescue: Every Thursday Morning at 8:40 we feature our dog or cat of the week with Pay it Forward for Pets, with the goal of finding them a forever home, brought to you Wilson Plumbing and Heating.
  • You'll also find inspiration and motivation with our Quote of The Day brought to you by Acme Fresh Market
  • At 7:40 every day, we give away fun prizes with the Nearly Impossible Question brought to you by Bonksy Heating and Cooling
  • Local Business of the Day happens at 8:20, where we feature a local business
At WQMX we make YOU, our listeners, a part of every show by using every conceivable technology available so you can connect with us on the air, online, on your mobile, via text, on Facebook, Instagram and in person!
Monday, 02 March 2015 00:00

Sarah Kay's Nashville News, Week of 3/2/15

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Nashville News: Friday, 3/6/15 The Band Perry have been at work on their third album and have called on Pharrell Williams for an assist. The sibs say, "He’s like a huge country music fan, and he also really loves what we do with harmony. One thing that we worked on with him was this song where all three of us sing different interwoven vocals on the verse and on the chorus.” The new album is …
Monday, 02 March 2015 00:00

Daily Scoop for Week of 3/2/15

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Today is Friday, March 6th- It IS - Day of The Dude, Middle Name Pride Day, Oreo Cookie Day, It's National Dentist's Day. Birthdays –Shaq is 44 Harrison Ford- In a bad plane crash yesterday on a golf course. Numerous broken bones Susan Sarandon dumped her much younger boyfriend. She is 68, and her 37-year-old boyfriend, Jonathan started dating five years ago
Wednesday, 25 February 2015 00:00

WQMX Medium Market Station Of The Year

We are honored to have recieved this award and grateful to our family of listeners who made it possible!
Monday, 23 February 2015 00:00

MOVIE REVIEW - Still Alice

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One of the more powerful movies of 2014, is finally playing locally at a few theaters. In very limited release, the high drama piece, Still Alice with now Oscar winner Julianne Moore.
Monday, 23 February 2015 00:00

Sarah Kay's Nashville News, Week of 2/23/15

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Nashville News: Tuesday, February 24th Keith Urban has just begun work on the followup to his album Fuse, but he admits that he's not exactly sure where the record’s going. He says, "I sort of like the unknowingness of it. I get in the studio and don't know what we're gonna do and that can be enlightening, or it can be incredibly frustrating." To help with getting the album done, Keith is just touring a …
Monday, 23 February 2015 00:00

Daily Scoop for Week of 2/23/15

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Today is Tuesday, February 24th- it IS -World Bartender Day, Spay Day USA, National Cupcake Day, It's National Tortilla Chip Day. - Salsa? Queso? Both? Birthdays –Kristin Davis 50 Cavs –Tonight at Detroit....(won 16 of 18) This cold blast is not just impacting us, but over 190 million Americans this week!
Saturday, 21 February 2015 00:00

MOVIE REVIEW - Kingsman: The Secret Service

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When graphic novels or comic books come to life, the movie going world seems to unite behind it. Here comes Kingsman, and it's the latest to show up big at the box office.
Friday, 20 February 2015 00:00

MOVIE REVIEW - Hot Tub Time Machine 2

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Sometimes sequels are a good idea. Most times they are not. Then there is Hot Tub Time Machine 2, which is now the mother of all bad sequel ideas.
Thursday, 19 February 2015 00:00

2015 Oscar Preview And Picks

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The Academy Awards are Sunday. It is the zenith of the award show season, and the 87th annual Oscars will be one of the more memorable ones in a while because of what is nominated - and what is not.
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