Wednesday, 21 August 2024 04:36

20 Years in Radio!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Yesterday was National Radio Day (YAY), and it is interesting how this all works out because today is my 20th anniversary of being in the radio business! YESSSS!

20 years ago this week, I graduated college and then 20 years ago today I entered this wonderful world of radio. I started working part time on the weekends, overnights and running the John Tesh Radio Show on Mix 94.1 in Canton. I had no idea what I was doing, but I had something to say! And if it weren’t for a diligent, mindful and kind PD that air checked me EVERY SINGLE WEEK, I’m not sure I’d have figured it all out as well as I did. Thank you, Terry Simmons!

September marks 16 years at WQMX, and spending my entire 20 year career in Northeast Ohio, in my hometown, in local radio- I’ll say it, I’m blessed beyond measure!

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