Friday, 05 March 2021 04:56

Now PEEPS Cake??!!!

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Now you can get PEEPS Cake in a Cup. Yep, pour in the mix, add water, nuke and you have cake in a cup.

Listen, you have heard me say it before- this is a #nonpeepshow! I do not like these things. Nope, not today! However, they are adorable to look at, and nowadays you can get PEEPS cereal, PEEPS cake, PEEPS pudding, PEEPS coffee creamer, PEEPS ice cream, PEEPS cookies, PEEPS stuffed animals- you name it! They are cute to look at and maybe I will try the cake, but come on they are taking over!

I am starting to think they are just cute and do you every realllllyyyy like them?! Ha!

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