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Friday, 31 January 2020 14:34

Ode to care givers

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It's been almost 2 and one half weeks since my mother moved in with us.

She had back surgery and found the walker would not  fit anywhere in her home.  After about one minute, I decided to bring her to my home.

Our downstairs is perfect.  Bedroom, bath with a walk in shower, and living room.  Not to mention, Andrew is at school!

She came willingly.  I will confess at the two week mark, I found I was just spent!  Taking care of a husband, two dogs, and my mother, along with work

is taxing.  I really have a new understanding for those who are taking care of someone you love.  Fortunately, my mother should get

better at some point and be ready to go back to her home.   Unfortunatly, many of you are taking care of terminal loved ones, and I cannot imagine.

I have found that while I am feeding, bathing, and making sure medications are taken, I have truly enjoyed just sitting and talking like we used to.

Just her and I, not on the phone, but in front of the fireplace watching Jeopardy!~

We may have switched places, but we still are mother and daughter.




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