Eric Matthews

Eric Matthews

Monday, 11 December 2023 17:47

How we spent Saturday night

I was flipping through channels on Saturday night and noticed one of the movie channels was showing one of my favorites from my childhood...Good Burger!!!

They weren't just showing it once...oh no! They showed it twice back to back!!! So I made sure to get under the blanket and take myself back to 1997 and watch a Nickelodeon classic. Especially since I have yet to see the recent sequel, this was fun to watch and quite nostalgic too.

As you can see, Buttercup didn't quite make it through the movie before he fell asleep in my lap :). It was just too far beyond his bedtime.

Friday, 08 December 2023 17:54

An overdue congratulations!

We cannot end the week without mentioning and saying a BIG congratulations to Darius Rucker who received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on Monday. 

Of course, he gained fame as the frontman to Hootie & the Blowfish before going solo and changing things up for Country music. He has had much success in both arenas and is now finally being recognized for that work with his own spot on the famous sidewalk.

Congrats Darius!!!

Thursday, 07 December 2023 18:28

We are ready!

Before I came into work today, Buttercup and I FINALLY got our decorations up at the house. Now keep in mind, all I really do is put up a couple stockings on the fireplace for us. I have a small fake tree that I could put up in my dining room but I think Buttercup would be too curious and just knock it over. 

That said, he was a very big helper today! I put up the hooks on the mantle because they're heavy, but Buttercup kept meowing at me insisting I let him hang up the stockings! ;) (the stories you tell when you have the fur

I really meant to take a picture before I left to come into work tonight. I forgot though since I was running a little late. Maybe another post about our Christmas season will still come later and I can get a picture for you then!

Wednesday, 06 December 2023 17:58

Sounds of the season

During the month of December, I am spotlighting Christmas music made by your favorite WQMX artists in the New @ 9. Jon Pardi just released his latest Christmas album "Merry Christmas from Jon Pardi" in October, so there will be several songs from his new album.

That isn't it though! I also have songs to highlight from Maddie & Tae, Dan+Shay, Chase Matthew, Morgan Evans, Mitchell Tenpenny and more! It's just a fun way to celebrate the time of year and see what seasonal music your favorite artists have to offer.

I hope you enjoy the original Christmas Music every night inside the New @ 9 on WQMX!

Tuesday, 05 December 2023 18:06

Big season of giving in the Bryan Household

The month of December is a BIG month of gift giving for the family of Luke Bryan. They have plenty of reasons to celebrate and give those they love a special something this time of year!

First of all, of course there is Christmas! Who could forget that?! Gifts galore there! lol. But not only that, Luke and Caroline are about to celebrate their 17th wedding anniversary this Friday (December 8th)! So more gifts and a fancy dinner are a must I right?

As if that wasn't enough, Caroline's birthday happens to fall on New Years Eve! If Luke's a smart man, gotta get the lady a little somethin' somethin' to kick off the new year in style for her birthday!

Good luck with all that purchasing and have fun paying the bills in January, Luke! :)

I stayed up quite late Saturday night (3am) watching a miniseries documentary I found streaming about the start of the Chicago Mob. I think it was a total of six episodes at 1 hour each. This was extremely interesting to me as someone who finds historical events interesting to learn about.

The show started all the way back into the early 1900's and followed the upward movement of Al Capone and how he came to his full power. From there, it continued with how the people under Capone tried to keep things afloat after his death. The show explained how they were able to keep things going for quite a few years (couple decades in fact), before it started to really have trouble. 

The series ended with mentioning Jimmy Hoffa's disappearance in 1975 and the last of the main Chicago gangsters retiring from business around that same time. A very late night for me, but well worth it fo such an interesting docuseries. 

Tuesday, 28 November 2023 18:12

What I did on Monday with my day off

You may or may not know (I have blogged about it before), that my family owns a vacation house in the Smoky Mountains of East Tennessee. When we ae not staying there it gets rented out to guests. Since we are at that time just after Thanksgiving and headed to Christmas, I had to make a weekend trip down to decorate the house for Christmas so guests this upcoming month can enjoy the season with appropriate decor. 

My mom and I spent Sunday and Monday decorating...putting up the tree and other decorations around the fireplace. As you can see from the picture, I think the tree turned out well for doing it in kind of a We FINALLY finished getting everything done that had to happen around 6:30 Monday evening. Then we needed dinner, so we stopped and had a delicious meal. By the time we got gas for the car and were ready to REALLY head home, it was 8:00 Monday evening with an 8 hour drive ahead of us! 

I pulled into my driveway at 4:00 this morning, and by the time Buttercup told me everything that happened while I was gone and I got into bed to was 5:00! Luckily here I am, and I hope you had a great Thanksgiving weekend with family!

Don't turn on your favorite local channel expecting to watch the Peanut's "A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving". Apple acquired the rights to those holiday specials in 2020 putting an end to them airing on your local affiliates.

You will need to check it out on Apple TV+ and have a subscription. As a heads up... "A Charlie Brown Christmas" will be the same way. Not to mention "It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" too. So don't forget! Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, 21 November 2023 17:51

What is your tradition on Thanksgiving?

Most people eat A LOT of food and then settle in to watch football. This is all after many people also watch the Thanksgiving Day Parade from New York that morning. I will say I have never been a person into parades. I find them boring to watch - especially on TV!

When it comes to food, I try to keep myself in check so I don't over eat and feel like crap the rest of the day. As for football, I am not one for the NFL, so I prefer to watch a college game. I generally spend the afternoon TRYING to stay awake after eating. Keep in mind, this is even watching what I take in to try to not pass out after the big meal.

I almost always fall asleep for a couple hours, wake up groggy, maybe fall asleep again, wake up, try to play a game with family, then go home before I fall asleep yet again! Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, 20 November 2023 18:06

I went to a fight...

and a hockey game broke out! LOL! That old dad joke isn't so true anymore. Over the weekend, I had a great time at Saturday night's Monsters game against the Rochester Americans. It has been a few years since I have been to a hockey game. The game has changed a bit.

It took until almost the very end of the 1st period for either team to get the first penalty! I don't think the first fight was until the 2nd period...if you can call them fights anymore. It used to always be that the refs would wait until the players were down on the ice and then try to break it up. NOW, they are in there breaking up the fight immediately. BORING!!!! haha

Still, it was a great night of hockey fun at Rocket Mortgage Fieldhouse. I recommend going if you have a family. It's a great night out, and you can get in for a very decent price too.


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