Thursday, 07 December 2023 18:28

We are ready!

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Before I came into work today, Buttercup and I FINALLY got our decorations up at the house. Now keep in mind, all I really do is put up a couple stockings on the fireplace for us. I have a small fake tree that I could put up in my dining room but I think Buttercup would be too curious and just knock it over. 

That said, he was a very big helper today! I put up the hooks on the mantle because they're heavy, but Buttercup kept meowing at me insisting I let him hang up the stockings! ;) (the stories you tell when you have the fur

I really meant to take a picture before I left to come into work tonight. I forgot though since I was running a little late. Maybe another post about our Christmas season will still come later and I can get a picture for you then!

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