Scott Wynn

Scott Wynn

Yesterday a very nice woman named Amy sent me a note through messenger asking me (since I've been playing country music 40 years LOL),  if I knew of a country band "named after a railroad or something"  from many years ago.  She said her mom loved them, but she passed a few years ago and the family wanted to find out who they were. 

Amy, that's an easy one, Southern Pacific is the group you're looking for.  And even though they didn't have HUGE success, they recorded some really fantastic songs.  They were simply way ahead of their time. Many hard core country fans may not have been completely ready for them in the mid-1980's.  Their sound was reminiscent of the Eagles many thought at the time.

SP, were former members of the Doobie Brothers, Creedence Clearwater Revival, and Pablo Cruise, all rock bands from the 1970's.  Members came and went from the band during their run. As I remember, there were many members. They also had some affiliation with Tom Petty who wrote some songs for them, and Emmylou Harris sang with them on records and at some shows. They were exceptionally talented musicians and their harmonies were enviable.

They never had a number one, but should have.  They charted a bunch of great songs, including, Honey I Dare You #5, Thing About You, #14 (written by Petty)  New Shade Of Blue #2, and there were many, many others.  Any Way The Wind Blows, was in the Clint Eastwood movie Pink Cadillac and I think that song was a work of art, as it went to #4. That should have been a slam dunk #1. I felt it was one of the really great country performances of the decade,  (1989). I also felt that song was a great example how far country had come since the start of the 80's, and songs like this set the stage for what was next in country, as every river needs a bridge.  They disbanded in the early 1990's.

Any Way The Wind Blows   (Yeah, the video looks like the 80's LOL)  But take a listen and turn it up! (Harmonies!!)


They were in the same league as The Desert Rose Band and others in that era.  Really talented players and singers and great music. Country was just not ready for them at the time for gigantic success. We had a band already, it was Alabama, and they were king!

Thanks for the memory, Amy.   It was good to look back on Southern Pacific.  They were great! And I was a fan!

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Wednesday, 27 May 2020 01:57

LOCAL BUSINESS - Universal Windows Direct

I am very, proud to be the voice of Universal Windows Direct on WQMX!   You know, you don't make a purchase like new windows very often, and you want to get it right.  And I did!

My job was not a typical one either.  My home, in an historic area needed a special clearance to get permitted for the job.  They went with me and spoke at the board meeting in city council chambers on a cold and snowy night to help me get permission for the job. That was very impressive and made me know I had made the right decision.  That really meant a ton to me.  They quoted me easily the best price and made the windows custom for my house.  All 36 of them!  They ordered them to be made, and a couple weeks later, came out and installed them.  In ONE day!

This Was A Big Job! This Is Just One Side They Were Installing!

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After - Same Angle  - Looks So Much Better Inside And Out!


Of course the house is way better now.  Warmer, cooler, and looks great!  I've done many big things to that house in the years I owned it, but this was the best by far.  I should have done it years ago, for every reason there is.  If windows have been on your mind, I say do it. Mine was a big job, and it made a world of difference. 

Lots Of Windows!

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You don't make large purchases like this very often, so let's get it right. I am proud to put my name next to theirs and recommend them to you.

Great people, great product, great work and a great LOCAL company.


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New DVD – Scoob / Sonic The Hedgehog / The Way Back / Call of the Wild

Drive-In Theaters  – Locally they are open! (Click here for the one near you and Info)

Live Nascar - Next Race - Is Sunday Coca Cola 600  (How to watch)


Live Golf - The Match: Champions For Charity is SundayTiger, Phil, Peyton, and Tom (TBS - TNT – HULU - HLN – Tru TV) 2-7PM   (How to watch)


Number One Steaming - Dead To Me


Lori Loughlin  - And her husband are going to the joint! Plead guilty and will do a few months in jail for the college scandal  (Story)

Tara Reid - Will likely play Tiger King's Carole Baskin in another live-action movie about the docu-series.  (Story)


Scream 5 - Confirmed and David Arquette will return as Dewey Riley.   (Story)


There Will Be - Legally Blonde ThreeMindy Kaling will write the script!  (Story)

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Needless to say there has not been much good news when it comes to C-19, as our lives have been temporarily altered and put on hold.  But, after careful review and some time spent listening, I have learned when this thing is over - and it will be over, there is some potentially very good and interesting news for some.

Much of this depends on how much we actually learn from all this, and how willing we are to remember the lessons. C-19 has sent many people home from work, and have them working at home these days, and in a whole lot of cases, it has worked out very well.  What many workers may learn, and employers too, is that GOOD people can work from anywhere, and in turn the GOOD employee can potentially live ANYWHERE.  Pretty interesting.

Think about it, in certain jobs you may be able to "work" at a company in Akron, and maybe live in Charlotte. This could solve many problems for many.  Family issues, kids, divorce, or just the desire to see the world out of a different window.  This could also solve child care issues with many young families if someone could work from home always. That's a sure game-changer, as many may be reluctant to send kids back to daycare.  Think of the money that a family could save.  It would change their life.

We have learned and are learning that some people even though we are not seeing them in the office are invaluable to some companies.  This is a good thing.  Bosses in many cases would not have to lose great people if they didn't want to. Especially if the circumstances were avoidable.  If checks and balances where agreed on, this could be one of the best learning experiences of this whole thing.  You could live and work where you wanted - have your cake and eat it too.  And bosses maybe could actually have smaller office space with less room required. Saving $$.

C-19 is also making some people rethink where they are living for health reasons, and they may want to relocate to a less populous area, say leaving New York City, and move to Cleveland to avoid this type of thing again. It is all very interesting to see where this goes.  For those with computer heavy jobs, or sales this could be realistic.  I love when there is something to look forward to.

Clearly though not every job has this ability, and of course life is not one size fits all. And some businesses and jobs don't lend itself to this.  But the lessons that are being learned may be put to use in a lot of new and innovative ways in the long run. 

Who knows, maybe in the days ahead you really can live where and the way you really want.

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Wednesday, 20 May 2020 01:09

Baseball - Have You Seen This?

There is more and more talk about MLB playing an 82 game schedule this year.  Of course, C-19 has halted the baseball season everywhere and that's sad.  Baseball is played in every single city in America, every single night in some way or fashion every spring, summer and fall.  But not this year.  I have seen on Social Media many local leagues closed for the summer and I feel badly for those kids. But MLB is still thinking about making a go of it. 

Have you seen or heard about the temporary changes?  It's quite something.  It's sad to see in print.

NO SPITTING!   NO High Five   NO fist bumps  NO Hugging

Shower at home only   Arrive at stadium in uniform like little leaguers 

Can't touch your face   Can't be too close to the base runner

Baseballs tossed out after touched by multiple players

NO water jugs  NO mascots   NO saunas, NO steam rooms

Road Trips NO eating at restaurants, NO Uber

NO animated scoreboards

And of course, NO Fans!

And these are just the beginning!   There are tons more and I could list them for hours.

I don't know how to feel about it.  I am a 20-game season ticket holder of the Tribe, but I'm not worried about that right now. They will make it good next year, but this year there is peril.  Baseball is one of the great unifiers we have.  Baseball many times "brings us back"  from a dark place, because of what it is.  We all feel better going to a game, and witnessing an American spectacle in person, or on TV.  We are subliminally reminded of its history, and we soak up a great game with everything we have.  In some respects when you attend a game, you are attending every game ever played, because of the deep steep into our collective hearts.

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But beyond sadly, for this year, that is not the reality if baseball returns.  I love Major League Baseball, but those are three key words.  MLB!  I suppose I would watch a game that was a dank black and white shell of it's usually immensely colorful self.  But I am not sold today, as of this writing that it would "bring us back."   My fear would be it would remind many of just how different things are right now -  nine innings at a time.  And that things are not what they should be, which is baseball's wheelhouse.  It showcases all that is good. 

Baseball gives of the glimmer that things are OK, and all is right with the world, that is what it does better than any other sport by far.  With all that said and with all the trepidation, with its 150 year tradition and incredible track record it would not surprise me if baseball had one more trick up its uniform sleeve to help us ease to peace, and bring us back to normal.   Here's to that hope.

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Tuesday, 19 May 2020 01:40

WYNN QUOTES - Away From The Noise

"There's The Right Thing To Do, And There's The Right Thing To Do...." 

I write this with without judgment, or bias. Most things in our lives are not cut and dry for most of us. We all do have those few things that are within us that are absolute. But an open mind can see the value of any side of a problem.  I feel there are not many qualities as alluring as someone who can see a situation, make their decision or form their opinion and still have respect for those who don't see it their way.  All without malice or to judge.  And in turn, feel good about their decision and the decision others may have made.

I feel there is a sentence that can help get us there, and that's the above quote.  Being humble and grounded enough to fully understand that there are certain occasions that there is a true clear and right thing.  The right thing is not always the easy thing. In fact, many times it's damn hard.  Agendas, feelings, ulterior motives, money, power and different value systems get in the way. That's why it's so hard for many to see a correct way when there clearly is one.

But the satisfaction of knowing you did right even though it was tough to swallow, is uniquely a human feeling. It generally goes with being kind and kindness is strictly human.  Many things can be nice, only humans can be kind.  Should be noted that there is nothing wrong with a strong opinion, or conviction on any matter. But life is better viewed out a picture window, and not a porthole.  

And when all is quiet, when we are away from the group noise, we can really hear ourselves calmly think, we always know what is right, and what is right. 

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Drive-Ins – Locally open! Support LOCAL Business and have a blast! (Click here for Schedule and Info)


New DVD – Birds Of Prey  / Blumhouse:Fantasy Island

Some Theaters - Opened in more states this week 25% capacity

Netflix Recommend - Watched Hollywood - 7 parts  (Preview) - Waco - 6 parts  (preview) - Both are amazingly good! 


Number One Steaming - Dead To Me


ESPN – More KBO! More Korean Baseball  (Schedule)


One Year Ago - Avengers:Endgame  was #1 again at the movies, third straight week, 63 Million


Tiger King - The Filmmakers are developing a new project about Siegfried and Roy.

Hamilton – Is coming to Disney Plus, a year earlier than scheduled. This summer, July 3.  (Story)

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It's natural to cheer when new things make old things better.  But I also think we cheer when the old becomes the new again.  Welcome back to the Drive-In Movie Theater!!  And after doing some checking, this weekend you can go, and the weather should be good too!  And business doesn't get a whole lot more local than Drive-Ins!

There used to be tons of them when I was growing up, but not many have survived.  There is Barberton's Magic City, Midway in Ravenna, AutoRama in North Ridgeville, Mayfield Road Drive-In in Chardon, and The Blue Sky in Wadsworth, Lynn Drive-In Strasburg all still going.  There was also Pearl Road Drive-In, 42 Drive-In, Memphis, and others. I'm sure you went to one of those at one time or another. If not, let's go this weekend!

The Drive-In has a couple of very good memories for me.  One -Date night as a young guy.  I'd wash and wax my cool car, and take my date to the show. It was fun and sort of private. (Pearl Road Drive-In  - was my go-to. It's now a driving range so it's still a win!)   Two - a whole lot of us would go with multiple cool cars and park in the back and grill out, sitting in lawn chairs for the evening.  We'd bring a hibachi or two and make hot dogs, and have a terrific time.  Not sure you can do that now though.  But we loved it.

This Was My Drive-In Car Back In The Day!


And flash forward all these years later and here we go again, because of the pandemic, drive-ins are back in. And they are showing double features still and many have two screens.  This is great!  If you have never gone - you need to go! 

Here is the schedule of this weekends local Drive-Ins!   And if you don't know how to go to one, all the info you need is linked here!   (Support Local Business!!)

Barberton Magic City Drive-IN -    (Facebook)

Midway in Ravenna   -    (Facebook)

Blue Sky in Wadsworth(Facebook)

AutoRama in North Ridgeville  - (Facebook)

Mayfield Road Drive-In in Chardon   -  (Facebook)

Lynn Drive-In Strasburg - Facebook

Go and have some fun!  With all the bad news and things you can't do right now, it's good to see one that you can.  Take in a Drive-In.

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Over the weekend we went to a place that we don't go to often enough plain and simple.  The delicious Great Harvest Bread Company in Stow.   The place is incredible.


The bread they make there is delectable, and I can't stop eating it. I am not a bread snob by any means.  I also don't eat a ton of bread, but I will eat GOOD bread, and this is good bread.  Windy and I walked in there, and were captivated by the enticing smell of fresh baked bread.  Oh, we've been there before and we will go again, it's that good.  She asked me what I wanted as a selection, and I said, "yes!"  Truth is, everything there is so great, to me, it makes no difference what we get. 

Of course we always get pepperoni rolls when we are there, if they haven't sold out. Those things are just ridiculous in how good they are.  We sliced it up later with a little warm red sauce to dip it in, cheese, glass of red wine with it, and it was incredible! HUGE recommendation! They are huge, fresh and taste so good, it's a real treat. 

This place is a great example of a somewhere I will go to and get things I would not normally get, because of the quality.  If I'm going to eat certain things, I'm going to eat the best, and when it comes to bread, they are the best. Good service, good food, good location, and a good thing we live near there so we won't be strangers.

Great Harvest Bread Company -  have the best. You deserve it.


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Tuesday, 12 May 2020 01:19

LOCAL BUSINESS - Kirbie's Meats

You know, there just aren't enough Butcher, or Meat Shops anymore.  This is taking nothing away from the folks at the big stores, as they know their stuff too. But there is a goodness in a butcher shop. Although the name for some can be a bit rough.

Kirbie's Meats and Catering in Stow is a great place.  I have recently moved near there, and it has become a fav of mine. They always have really good meats, and a bunch of other related food stuff that is always GREAT!  Windy and I go there from time to time and pick up some things.  She has bought many prime ribs from there that are amazing!  We went there Saturday morning and I picked up some really great beef, chicken and pork chops.  The service is always very friendly, the advice is great, and they always call me by name in there, and I like that.  Makes me want to go back.  It is a wonderful little market!

I remember when I worked and lived in Jefferson City, Missouri many years ago, there was a client of the radio station KLIK (The Big 950) called Weber Meat Market. Roger Weber and his friend Chris worked there and I learned so much about how to cook meat, BBQ and grill from them, the info has stayed with me all these years.  That's what you get from a meat shop. I used to call my order in on Thursday for the weekend, and I would pick-it up in a big bag on Friday after the show at about 11AM.  And there was usually a little something extra in there, as a bonus. Loved that.

There are a number of meat shops around and that's a good thing. Dumas, Showcase and others.  Gibbs Butcher Block in Columbia Station is very famous, and Hall Brothers in Olmsted Falls.  And I'm glad they are all still around.  Small business that is worth supporting.  PLEASE support local business!

Happy Place!

k meats me

Thanks Kirbie's We are neighbors now, so I won't be a stranger.  Thanks for being there, and let's eat!

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And Lets' Ride The Big Grill!!!


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