Scott Wynn

Scott Wynn

SW small Logo TONIGHT!!!!   This is going to be a fantastic night at Jilly's Music Room in Akron! We are having an incredible fundraiser for WQMX Bosom Buddies at Jilly's with a couple of great new Country Stars from Nashville, Caitlyn Smith and Kassie Ashton!  The money raised goes towards our big show in October for Bosom Buddies.

Caitlyn Smith - Downtown Baby


 Kassie Ashton  - Dates In Pickup Trucks


Get your tix by clicking below and get ready for a GREAT NIGHT TONIGHT!

Click Here For Tix To This Event!

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Sunday, 01 May 2022 01:21

WYNN - Eat Of The Week!

SW small Logo OK, it's Sunday and that hasn always been a great day to make some comfort food and just veg out on the couch!  But sometimes deciding what to make is a tough decision.  Well, this weeks Eat Of The Week is here to take the guess work out of that!

Dig IN!

Sunday Beef Stew

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Tuesday, 03 May 2022 01:34

WYNN - See You At Bark In The Park

SW small Logo   This year one of the really fun events returns to Lock 3!  Bark In The Park is back "live" this year and I am proud to be the host this year.  The Summit Country Humane Society called me a few months back and asked if I would, and of course said yes.

I am a proud dog owner of my wonderful Husky, Juneau as I adopted her almost 11 years ago.  BITP  is a fantastic event that benefits animals so much, we're lucky to have it.

I know it's a small ways off yet, but make your plans now to go.  It's May 21st from 11-3 at Lock 3!  Hope to see you there.

Below, is all the info you need to get involved any way you wish!

Good Info About Bark In The Park

It's Juneau approved!

(Cover photograph by Colleen Callahan - thank you)

j dog

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SW small Logo  I am very proud of my association with Habitat For Humanity Of Summit County. They are very good people that have a wonderful mission and are a great member of our community.  They also put on a spectacular golf outing every July. 

It's the Home In One Golf Outing, and I am an honorary chair again.  I am very proud of that, and that I have been the only one they have ever had for this outing which I think is in its 13th year.  This July 25 it will be at the incredible Gleneagles Golf Club in Twinsburg.  What a terrific track and this is a tremendous outing.

Best part is, not only do you get to play in a first class outing, you are helping Habitat locally and that's the best part of all. If you've joined in before, or this is your first time, click below and lets get you signed up today!

See you there!

Click Here To Register Yourself And Your Team


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Friday, 29 April 2022 01:35

WYNN - Wynn At The Movies And More!

Box Office Results - The Bad Guys  -  (24 million)

New This Week - Memory - (Liam Neeson)


Fast X - Title of the new Fast and Furious flick! (Story)


Robert Pattinson - Will return in a sequel to The Batman(Story)


Sony - Says a fifth Ghostbusters movie is in the works. The last, Ghostbusters: Afterlife, earned $129.3  ALSO another Venom  (Story)


Film Maker - J.J. Abrams will makle a live-action Hot Wheels film  (Story)


Wicked - Will be broken up into two parts. The first will open December 2024, with the second coming out a year later.   (Story)


Mark The Date - The Barbie movie, starring Margot Robbie, will open July  2023.   (Story)


NetFlix – In the news recently, will now offer a cheaper version with ads - 2 million expected to cancel this quarter   (Story)

This Weekend – Check out my Country Music Memory Lane (link)

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Tara asked if I could write a Memory Lane piece on Clay Walker.  What a tremendous run he had in the 1990's  - and beyond during one of the best decades ever for country.  He still records today, and that's great to see.  I played all of his songs proudly on great radio stations including here at WQMX.

BTW - He will be at Neon Nights - Clay's Park  - August 13, 7:30 PM

Clay Walker debuted in 1993 with about as perfect of a debut project as you can have.  The self titled album had three number ones, looked really great, and just flat out had some great music on it. He was a new hat act and was immediately loved by country fans that seemed to be embracing a new giant star every month or so then. I was so incredibly impressed by his debut album, it was no surprise to me he skyrocketed to stardom and stayed there for a good while.  The totality of his debut project is enviable.

His Very First Hit Song #1 - Great Start


There was little doubt he was cut from the George Strait cloth of country in his approach. He was the third big star in as many years from the Beaumont, Texas area as Mark Chesnutt, and Tracy Byrd were also from that same general place at about the same time. He sold a ton of albums in the 1990's and had a bunch of number ones to his credit. He is another artist that I can't help but wonder what may have happened if he was in another era by a few years.  The 1990's were so competitive with so many gigantic stars, did some of these others get lost over time to a degree?  He may have slightly, but his run was very extremely impressive.

The First Album Magic Continued  - Big Fan Favorite


Walker had a slick sound that I felt was right on time for the era. He chose killer songs, had a great look, and when his first album was released, it looked  - and he sounded  - like he had been doing this for years. For many, he was their very favorite singer of the era, and it's easy to see why.  He became a legend with many very quickly. That first project was filled with extreme confidence and raw talent.  His was an interesting story being from the same town as Byrd and Chesnutt, and the giant, George Jones, but he was his own guy. He never sounded like anyone else, and that was his real strength along with his palpable and infectious energy.  

This Is An Incredible Song #1 - I Feel His Best Song Ever!  -  First Album Still


Unlike Chesnutt and Byrd, Walker's career was shoved into high gear almost from the start.  After that amazing first album, he followed it up with the album, If I Could Make A Living, that also did quite well with a couple more big songs going number one.  I thought this album was very important for him.  For many, the first album is the culmination of a lifetime of work rolled into a long thought about dream package.  Enthusiasm and adrenaline from the artist and musicians is high, same for managers, and record execs.  I will never say a first album is easy, because it's certainly not. But many times the second album is the one that decides if you stick around or not, and Clay's was great and he did.

Another Great Song - Another Fan Favorite


Hypnotize The Moon, his next album was great as well, and the song is incredible too.  It seemed he was really on his way.  Then Walker was diagnosed with MS about 1996.  He began treating it successfully, and his career continued on. He had strong chart success through the rest of the 1990's and even into the 2000's, although the well charting hits were fewer.  Chain Of Love in 2000, Fall (Great song) in 2007, A Few Questions, and She Won't Be Lonely Long all did well.  He even released a song last year, Need A Bar Sometimes which was a song I loved, as it was great to hear him back on the radio, as he still sounds great.

Great Song - Went #1 - He Was On A Roll


Clay Walker is more proof positive that no matter who you are, no one is promised a 20 year successful chart run.  It does happen, but it is more rare than fact.  Clay Walker had solid music, fans, a great look and the world by the tail. But trends change, society changes, country changes and listeners do too. It doesn't make it easy or fair, it just makes it so.  Walker was in the right place at the right time and had huge success, and we were better for it. In fact, I always say the 1990's were as great as they were because of stars like Walker. We had so many HUGE stars then, as does every era, but the 1990's was way more. 

Later Walker  - Loved This One


The stars like Walker and dozens more were never better than they were in the 1990's. Their incredible music made it possible for us in country radio to always have great songs on the air.  So much so, the country station I was doing mornings on in Lakeland, Florida in the 1990's, (WPCV) was the fifth highest rated radio station in America -  of any kind -  for a good while. The star list was very deep then, with acts that people really liked and supported in every way.  Walker's music was tight, concise, fun, positive, and made you glad you were listening to country music.  It was a great example for others to follow  - and they did.  That was a real trademark of Walker and the 90's. I mean listen to these songs here and feel their positive energy.  In fact, some more fun and positivity today would be more than welcome.  Sometimes we take ourselves way too seriously in country.

2021 Clay Walker  - I Liked This Song!


We owe these stars, as they were the ones that separated us from other formats and other eras.  Clay Walker helped lead that charge and that is greatness in itself.  History owes it to be good to Clay Walker, his popularity and contribution should not be underestimated. 

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Tuesday, 24 May 2022 01:25

WYNN - Come Bowl With Us This Summer!

SW small Logo  This summer for ten weeks we would love you to join us in the WQMX bowling league. It's going to be a GREAT time.  It's a great deal too, and there will be prizes including 50/50's and Neon Nights Tickets for you to win weekly! 

It's Wednesdays at the incredible Charger Lanes in Norton. Good people and the have GREAT food there. You're $10 included 2 games and shoes.  I'll be there as your host of the majority of them, and I can't wait!  I have new shoes, bag and ball, so I'm good to go!

We hope to see you there, we are going to have a terrific summer!

See you there - Sign up buy clicking below!

Sign Up Here For The WQMX Bowling League!

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Wednesday, 27 April 2022 01:21

WYNN - Movies - Top Rom Coms Ever!

SW small Logo  I love the movies.  I love many kinds of movies too.  I'm not as wild about Fantasy, and Superheroes can get old with me, but that's the trend this decade - and probably next. 

I have to admit, I do like a good Rom-Com.  They have certainly changed over the years. They don't make the really sweet ones as much right now, as many have become sort of "action rom-coms."   That's fine, many of those are pretty fun too. Hallmark is not really in the true Rom-Com biz, as there is far more "Rom" and not so much "Com" in them, but for many they make you feel good.

If I had to rank my top five?

1 - Sleepless In Seattle

2-  Notting Hill

3-  When Harry Met Sally

4 - Four Weddings And A Funeral

5 - While You Were Sleeping  / Love Actually   (Tie)

Here's a fun article too that ranks the Top 76!  Check it out and see how your favorite comes in!

(And I do like me a good Hallmark flick - at Christmas Time)

Top Rom Coms EVER!

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Tuesday, 26 April 2022 01:19

WYNN - New Texting Etiquete

SW small Logo  Texting is a huge part of all of our lives now. In fact it is so large, try to imagine your life without it. 

I'm not so sure we need this article. But there are those out there that love telling us what to do, and it does make for some fun fodder.  You can see how your texting game matches up!

Are you texting properly?  Find out here  -  as a bunch of Egg Heads have come up with some new texting rules for 2022.

New Texting Etiquette

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Monday, 25 April 2022 01:16

WYNN - Eat Of The Week!

So I ran across this article over the weekend, and it caught my eye.  It explores the notion that are three meals a day necessary in today's world.  We all grew up being taught that this is the way to go.  You can make up your own mind, but it you're asking me, I'm leaning towards double that! 

I mean, I do like to eat as you do I'm sure. But our lives have changed since we were kids, and of course out lives have changed immensely over the past couple of years.

Interesting read here!

Should We Be Eating Three Meals A Day?

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