Monday, 02 November 2015 09:00

MOVIE REVIEWS - Various New Movies

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Some movies are so not worth an entire review, so there is a new way to package them here.  As we get into legit movie season, they will get the attention they deserve, while others will be lumped into this format.  So let's start here.


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Burnt -

Bradley Cooper is Hollywood's biggest leading man. But this is not good.  Do anything else except go to this movie about a chef that no one cares about, in a story no one cares about.  This was a bad career decision of the first order.

The Last Witch Hunter -

I like Vin Diesel. We all like Vin Diesel.  We just don't care for this.  This is an over produced, uninteresting special effects fest, that doesn't do anyone any justice.  Diesel plays a character that has been alive for centuries fighting against, and keeping the balance between the witch world and the modern world as they walk among us.  Boring, unoriginal and poorly done in about every way.  Hard to make it to the finish of this one.  At least Fast And Furious has three more installments in the years ahead.  This is not worth your time.

Steve Jobs -

Wow! What a look at one of the great innovators of our lifetime.  Or is he?  This pic paints Steve Jobs, one of Apple's founders as one horrible person.  Not really good at anything in his real life. This is the second movie about Jobs, and this one is equally not as good as the first, although very different. This is paced semi well, but I will tell you this is simply 2 hours of nonstop dialogue.  This is not very compelling movie making, but there are decent performances.  The national critics love this I feel because they simply love Apple and the products Jobs was reportedly responsible for. As a movie, this is really not very entertaining outside of a few very compelling moments that Seth Rogen gives us. Micheal Fassbender is darn good as Jobs. Rogen is the best thing in this movie in his supporting role, as is Kate Winslet.  But this is simply not interesting, and gets in the long line of "computer guy" movies that just are not all that captivating.

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