Thursday, 23 May 2024 06:16

Daily Scoop, 5/23/24

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 Today is Thursday, May 23rd- It IS- Drinking With Chickens Day, Lucky Penny Day, World Turtle Day, Taffy Day, Chardonnay Day

80% of married people don't trust their spouse to wake them up in the morning

If you want more joyful days, drink wine! Wine drinkers have 10 extraordinary days each month

The hybrid or work from home has essentially killed the “work spouse thing”

50% admit to using the pool as an alternative to a shower or a bath after exercising or doing yard work - and 40% admitted peeing in the pool.

8% of people say it is completely acceptable to take the pen your server gives you at the restaurant to sign the check

Orange Vanilla Creme M&Ms are here. 

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