Morning Show Stories

"Scott and Sarah" is Scott Wynn & Sarah Kay, along with the crew of Katie Lee on news, and Producer James. When you join them each morning from 5:30 to 10:00am you'll feel like you're hanging out with your friends, listening to your favorite country music, staying up on what's happening in the news, in the community, staying informed and entertained along with friends and listeners. Plus, some great daily features that start your day with a smile:
  • The Daily Scoop at 6:10 and 8:10 keeping you up on what's trending sponsored by Stark Federal Credit Union
  • The Nashville News at 6:50 to keep you up to date on all things country music
  • The National Anthem: we salute our country and those who serve every morning at 7:00, brought to you by Veterans Service Commission of Summit County
  • Country Pet Rescue: Every Thursday Morning at 8:40 we feature our dog or cat of the week with Pay it Forward for Pets, with the goal of finding them a forever home, brought to you Wilson Plumbing and Heating.
  • You'll also find inspiration and motivation with our Quote of The Day brought to you by Acme Fresh Market
  • At 7:40 every day, we give away fun prizes with the Nearly Impossible Question brought to you by Bonksy Heating and Cooling
  • Local Business of the Day happens at 8:20, where we feature a local business
At WQMX we make YOU, our listeners, a part of every show by using every conceivable technology available so you can connect with us on the air, online, on your mobile, via text, on Facebook, Instagram and in person!
Tuesday, 28 May 2024 04:39

Quote of the Day, 5/28/24

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Brought to you by Acme Fresh Market When life throws you a burger, you eat it!
Friday, 24 May 2024 06:17

Daily Scoop, 5/24/24

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Today is Friday, May 24th- It IS - Road Trip Day, Brother’s Day, Aviation Maintenance Technician Day, Escargot Day, Cooler Day, Asparagus Day You eat about two pounds of asparagus per year, which is one of the least popular vegetables in the country. They say you tell the most lies between 8 and 11 am The most frequently told lie in the office is that he or she is in a meeting The average person gets…
Friday, 24 May 2024 06:06

Website of the Day, 5/24/24

Written by SMB T-shirt Ticket Stops start TOMORROW!
Friday, 24 May 2024 05:41

Local Business of the Day, 5/24/24

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Power Graphics They make our Send Me Backstage T-shirts!
Friday, 24 May 2024 04:47

Sarah Kay's Nashville News, 5/24/24

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Reba is revealing more about her upcoming new series, Happy's Place. She said recently, "I play Bobbie Jo, and my dad is Happy, and he has owned this tavern for many, many years. He’s kind of retired, so I’ve been kind of handling it. Well, my daddy dies, and I go to the lawyer’s office to make sure all the will is just right and sign the papers, and I find out that my daddy…
Friday, 24 May 2024 04:45

Quote of the Day, 5/24/24

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Brought to you by Acme Fresh Market Remember what others have done for you. 
Thursday, 23 May 2024 06:22

Local Business of the Day, 5/23/24

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Grandpa's Cheesebarn They have saltwater taffy!
Thursday, 23 May 2024 06:19

Website of the Day, 5/23/24

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Deals and Freebies for the Military for Memorial Day
Thursday, 23 May 2024 06:16

Daily Scoop, 5/23/24

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 Today is Thursday, May 23rd- It IS- Drinking With Chickens Day, Lucky Penny Day, World Turtle Day, Taffy Day, Chardonnay Day 80% of married people don't trust their spouse to wake them up in the morning If you want more joyful days, drink wine! Wine drinkers have 10 extraordinary days each month The hybrid or work from home has essentially killed the “work spouse thing” 50% admit to using the pool as an alternative to…
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