Thursday, 20 April 2023 23:30

Say goodbye to Netflix by mail :(

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After 25 years and 5.2 billion discs later, Netflix will end its DVD movie by mail service September 29th. I have mixed feelings about this. I understand why they are making this move - most of their business is streaming and there just isn't a demand for DVDs as there once was. However, my mom was a longtime subscriber to this service only cancelling her subscription in the last couple years.

Her and I used this service for a long time to watch a lot of movies that we hadn't seen in a long time or ones we never saw in the theater. We always thought that the selection of movies was much better on the DVD list for mail than it was on their streaming service. Now of course, many people use Netflix and HULU for TV shows more so than movies. Either way it is a sad time to have to say goodbye to something that brought my family a little excitement when going to the mailbox. I'll tell you, there was a little feeling of euphoria when your next movie made it to your house and you could keep it as long as you liked and watch it as many times as you wanted!

RIP DVD service...I'll miss you.

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