Monday, 20 May 2024 03:06

Blog 200!

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I can hardly believe it, but this is my 200th blog for the website! Since the start of these, I've written a nightly blog for every shift I've worked, without fail. 

Admittedly, it's not always easy to do. Sometimes I have no idea what I want to cover and am left to overcome writers-block. I'm not sure if anyone would necessarily be left holding their breath if I missed a post, but maintaining consistency and putting out something worthwhile to the reader is important to me. Sometimes it comes naturally and I can wait to share something with you, but other times I'm scratching my head for inspiration. 

I've covered so many subjects that I can hardly remember them all, but there's a lot of common themes, looking back. Of course, I do my Thursday Top Ten lists every week ranking whatever, and I'm always taking in ideas for those. 

Otherwise, you never know exactly what to expect from me here. I love talking about cars and powersports including my boat. New music is always a great topic, and so is sharing country news and happenings. Current events and the talk of the town are good places to start, too. Or, sometimes it's something I've personally got going on such as recapping a show I saw, my day-to-day experiences, or really whatever! 

I've written this phrase many a time, and I really mean it: thanks for checking out this blog, and thanks for listening to Your Country! 94.9 WQMX. 

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