Tuesday, 23 February 2021 01:40

WYNN - Support Local Car Washes

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It's that week, the temps are up a bit and we look at our cars and go, sheesh!  I don't know about you, but my car had about 25 pounds of road gunk on it and I couldn't wait to get it taken care of.  So I went out over the weekend, to Ultimate Car Wash in Streetsboro, not far from the house and got it washed. I love being in the Clean Car Club!

So this week, please support your local car wash place as they have been waiting to see you all winter!   You'll have a clean car and you'll support local people working at local businesses. 

And keep in mind, you'll be in your warm car, but they will be out in the cold, so please tip them well. Also, check into monthly plans at your favorite car wash, you can save a ton of money and always have a clean car! And while you're there, maybe a gift certificate for someone.

Local Car Washes Have A Friend In Me!   They are a hard working bunch!


Click For Local Car Washes!

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SW small Logo

Read 1177 times Last modified on Tuesday, 23 February 2021 08:36
