Scott Wynn

Scott Wynn

Friday, 08 November 2019 01:14


It's a big week at the movies as far as new releases are concerened.  And there appears to be something new for everyone.



WWII flick based on new accounts of the famous battle of Midway Island that turned the tide to the Americans, in the Pacific for good. This has a really big cast, and is in the hands of a very capable director.  You may, or may not know about the original from the early 1970's that boasted a huge amount of A-lost stars then, as this does now.



This is a story worth telling. Dunkirk, a couple of years ago, about another very important moment in the second world war was brilliant and I am hoping for the same thing here.  This epic, could be epic.  This checks in at 2 hours 20 minutes.


Playing With Fire

John Cena stars with others in this comedy that puts firefighters in the crosshairs this time.  This appears to be a chaotic comedy with endless sight gags, and humor slightly above 7th grade.



Could be fun if done right, we will find out this weekend.


Last Christmas

Romantic holiday comedy with two people I really like.  Henry Golding, and Emilia Clarke.  This movie has all the markings of a flick that critics will hate, and the public will love.  We love these two.  We love Christmas, and we love a good love story.  National critics hate any movie that isn't here to change cinematic history.



Golding, from Crazy Rich Asians is terrific, and Clarke is incredibly likeable on screen.  CRA, was a throwback to an older school rom-com, and it worked.  Let's hope this is just as successful.


Doctor Sleep

The Stephen King book comes to life, and has us all thinking about The Shining from all those years ago.  This picks up years later after the events of The Shining, and takes us back to the creepy feeling that enveloped us years ago.



Ewan MacGregor stars and leads a young cast  and this could really be good.


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Thursday, 07 November 2019 01:24

Riding A Time Machine

A week ago, we took a drive over to the Stambaugh Auditorium in Youngstown to see a very different kind of concert.  Windy and I went to see the Battle Of The Big Bands, featuring The Glenn Miller Orchestra and the Tommy Dorsey Orchestra  What a great venue, music and what a great time!

Clearly, since Dorsey and Miller's heyday was the 1930's and 1940's the members are not original, but it makes no difference.  These incredibly talented musicians and singers are a joy to watch.  And the simply flabbergasting accoustics that the Stambaugh owns, made this a night worth remembering.  It's the Severence of Youngstown.  Both of these bands were incredible to watch, and we were successfully transported back to a different time, and that felt really good.  The only way to learn why you are the way you are, is to learn why you were they way you were.  I love on occasion, going back in time, musically or by visiting somewhere that sends me there. This trip did both, with music of an era, in a place built in the 1920's.

bb both

Both of these bands are a very important link in the chain of even today's popular music.  They were the "pop" music of their day. And with thier swing, and swagger, they certainly are an early precurser to what eventually became "Rock and Roll"  and "Pop" years later.  I love all kinds of music, and I always respect people that can really play, and I mean "really play."  Not just the basics of 4 chords that many know.

This is worth considering the next time something like this comes through. It was a great time!

bb windy

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Wednesday, 06 November 2019 01:06

The MVR - MVP!

A few days ago, Windy and I took a short road trip over to Youngstown to see a Big Band Show (more tomorrow).  But she, as a native of The Yo, said we should eat first at a local place called the MVR


I Love This Sign On The Window!

mvr window

The amazing MVR has been there since 1927, or the year Charles Lindburgh flew across the Atlantic for perspective.  That's a long time ago, expecially in Youngstown which of course has gone through so many changes over the decades. And somewhow the MVR is still there.  Incredible Italian based menu that is nothing short of sensational.  I gotta be honest, I have to eat anyplace, in any city, that has been in business for 92 years.  You don't hang around that long and not be great.  And It was!

BTW - The Peppers and Warm Olive Oil - with bread before the amazing meal?  Unbeliveable!!!

If you are ever in The Yo, at the Covelli Center, or some kind of show, eat at the MVR.  You won't regret it.

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Friday, 01 November 2019 01:52


Terminator:Dark Fate

I love the movies, and I love this time of the year at the movies. But do we need Linda Hamilton returning to a going on 40 year old franchise, that seems to never want to end?  I'm not so sure we do. Nothing against Linda Hamilton, but it is becomming tiresome seeing the incredible lack of original ideas out of a place touted as the most creative place on earth.



It'll be fine, but a money grab.


Arctic Dogs

Animated Huskies!   Family fun.  Young families.


Not much hype here.

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Thursday, 31 October 2019 01:01

Browns - It's Leadership!

The entire area, Facebook, Sports Radio, and TV, are all talking about the 2-5 Browns.  They have been very disappointing, and fans are frustrated including me. I've heard all the talking heads, experts and fans.  Lots of yammer about this and that, but it's far simpler than most will articulate.

It's not about a Left Tackle, who's playing and who's not.  It's not about injuries, or Cover 2, sealing the edge, running Chubb more, officiating, or when the throw the challenge flag. The Browns had a great off season. They have a fine roster, best in years, and it's as good as most teams not named Patriots or 49ers.  But with all the glamour signings, commercials made, and draft pics, they forgot one thing -  Leadership.  On the field, they simply have none.  - NONE!

Do you think anyone wanted to deal with Ray Lewis on the Ravens after they jumped off sides 5 times a game?  Or blew a coverage?  Or missed tackles?  Do you think anyone wants to go back to the huddle with the Patriots and tell Tom Brady that he's sorry he ran the wrong route, dropped passes, or fumbled 3 times.  Do you think any player there wants to deal with Bill Belichick about false starting 6 times a game?  Or back in the day, tell Bill Cowher he blew an assignment?  Of course not. 

The Browns do NOT have those kind of players or guys.  They are rudderless, and they need leaders very badly on the field, and off. Every week they lose games the same way, and it's not a lack talent. They have plenty, it's not like the old days when the players just weren't here.  Feet need to be held to the fire.  At times it looks like dudes playing in the beer league. Buddies out there hackin' away, just waiting for the 4th quarter to end.  I would love to see some discord on the sidelines, some passion, sense of "We gotta turn this thing around."  - Instead -  Crickets.

I don't know what to do about it this season unless they emerge, but next off season that should be priority one. Get some guys in here that know how to win, and hold you accountable when you don't, both on the field and off.  I'm growing tired of hearing, "We have to look at the film this week to see how we can improve." Do you ever hear the Patriots say that?  Or any other strong franchise?  They don't.

Quit looking at film, quit looking for a left tackle, quit looking at the officials.  Look within.

Wednesday, 30 October 2019 01:22

Garth Changed And Changes Everything!

Now that Garth has come and gone, and the dust has settled at the Dusty Armadillo we can resume our lives. What a show! The crowd was huge and so was the show.  It's always funny to hear Garth make fun of himself on stage, and joke about how half the crowd wasn't born yet when he hit the scene.  It's sort of true, but still funny.  But what is true, is what Garth did when he led the charge, with the big movement of 1989.  When Country turned a huge corner.

Alan Jackson, Clint Black, Joe Diffe, Tracy Lawrence, Garth and many others were etching on a new canvas in country around that time.  A wave of change began a few years before that with the emergence of Dwight Yoakum, and Randy Travis to a more traditional sound again, that had been jump started by George Strait, Hank Jr., and Ricky Skaggs a few years earlier still.  We were looking for a new direction after the Urban Cowboy craze mercifully burned out.

All of the above stars were incredibly important for the siesmic shift in the music.  But Garth brought us  -  the country stage show.  A way of performing country, in a way not done before. Big production, high energy, and very powerful.  His deep connection to the crowd, and the passion of performing songs that had been good to him on stage as if he was singing, and playing them for the very first time and not the 1001st  time. Lights, camera, action.  Making YOU the star of the show, making YOU feel that YOU were the reason he was there that night, on the radio, and and on TV.  And of course -  he was, and is right, as his shows still boast that very same feel.

garth stage

Until then by and large, the artists came out on stage, and sang their songs, talked some, introduced the band, and made a few jokes.  There was nothing wrong with any of that, it's what we knew.  We had already shed the boufont hair, long dresses, rhinestone suits, and badly dyed coifs.  But but we were transitioning, and we needed the one to take the chance. Many were standing on the cliff looking down at the water below, but Garth was the guy that took the chance   -  and jumped off.   He even "retired" for many years and came back like he never left. Who can do that in any field?

Besides the great songs and music he made, he makes Country something more than music.  He makes it a way of life.  He created a lifestyle format that many still follow today.  There were others that also did it, but Garth did it larger.  We should all be thankful that the world's largest recording artist is in our format. And that show at the Dusty?  To hear it, you would have thought it was a stadium show.

Garth changed -  and still changes everything.

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Tuesday, 29 October 2019 04:32

We Go Way Back!

Last night was one of the coolest things I've done in 38 years of doing morning shows on big Country radio stations across the country.  Garth Brooks came to the
Dusty Armadillo for a Dive Bar Tour stop.  A place that holds about 700 ish.  What a great time!  Even to say the sentence, "Garth is playing the Dusty" still sounds strange. Windy and I were lucky enought to get to go, and it's an experience we will ever forget. 

garth 1

Garth and I are about the same age, in fact I am a year older.  I am proud to say I played every single Garth single in his entire career. I rememeber when he broke through.  I once emceed a show for him in the late 1980's when he opened a show for Exile at the Missouri State Fair when no one knew him.  I saw him in various World Tours, and even a few times over the past couple of years. I've met him a number of times over many years and his grace and kindness has never wavored.  He's an entertainer we have never had in Country Music.  It's just that simple.

There have been others with more singles, and others with other great accolades that they should be proud of, but even George Strait I think would tell you that Garth possesses something that most don't.  There's just something about Garth that makes him different.  He brings an energy, a charisma, an aura that is unusual in any format, that makes him the star he is.  We are lucky to have him.

What a night for our area, our format, The Dusty, and for the few that were given the chance of a lifetime. To see the worlds biggest star, give his all, in a venue that is simply your favorite bar.  

Well Done!

garth windy

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Monday, 28 October 2019 01:39


I drive by this business a few times a week in Portage County off RT. 43, that has this gigantic Rhino in its front yard.  Looks like concrete, and it has weigh about a trillion pounds.

The funny thing is, it's on a chain that secures it to the ground.  I heard an urban legend that it was stolen once. I have no idea if that is true.  What, did Thor and the Incredible Hulk go on a two day bender, and lift it from its home and take it back to the Superhero House for a good laugh?  I am baffled how someone could have done that?

Anyway, this huge thing is safe and sound, and chained and bolted to the ground.   And it is a great conversation starter.     (Scott Moldings - off Rt 43)


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Thursday, 24 October 2019 08:16

A 50 Year Wait!

I can honestly say I have never waited 50 years to see one of my favorites in concert. Until now.  As a young kid, for some reason, I became facinated with the music of Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass. Maybe because my parents were fans.  I mean I was about 4.  I have listened to his music my entire life.  From the old to the very new.  (He has a new album out  #1 on Itunes)

Sunday, Windy and I saw the 84 year old Alpert and his incredible talent at the MGM Northfield Park, and it was really fun.  He can still play the trumpet very well, and seems to be in great shape.  I love all kinds of music, and I have always loved his.  He has recorded with everyone imaginable, and has done everything one can do in the music business.  Sold tens of millions of his own albums, including 14 platinum albums (at least a million sold each)  started a record label (A&M) discovered talents like Cat Stevens, The Carpenters, The Police, Sergio Mendez, and others.  Had a slew of TV specials, won 9 Grammy's, and has donated tons of money to great causes.  The amount of albums he has sold is almost unimaginable.

Now he plays, small concerts that support the Louis Armstrong Education Foundation.  It was so great to be finally see him in concert with his talented wife, Lani Hall.

How lucky we are to have so many incredible music venues in our area to see the giants of every musical genre.  And Herb is a giant!

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Friday, 25 October 2019 01:57


Black AndBlue

This is a police thriller that has a good cast, and story. Problem is, this is not going to be on as many screens as they would like for an opening weekend.  But This is expected to be the biggest opening of the weekend, as far as NEW movies are concerned.



It may make the top 4 or so.



OK, a killer app.  That's right, a smart phone app that tells you the precise moment you are going to die



Not much is expected.

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