Joe Headley

staff tim homeJoe is an enthusiastic young talent in radio who is living the dream as a personality on his favorite station, WQMX! Joe got his start in college serving as the Production Director for the University of Akron's Z88, and his love for live and local radio has since skyrocketed. He was brought on as an intern for RCRG in 2022 working as a weekend jock and member of the street team in promotions until landing the overnight position on WQMX.

Joe is a lifelong local to the Akron/Canton area. Outside of the studio, he has a love for boating, fishing, disc golf, and off-roading. He is the proud owner of a classic American muscle car, and the toughest decision he faces on a sunny day is whether to drive his Chevy or ride his motorcycle. Fun fact: Joe LOVES grape flavor.
Joe strives to make a connection with his audience and is authentically himself in any setting. Country music holds a special place in his heart, and he relishes being at concerts and community events engaging with listeners and having a great time!
Thursday, 17 August 2023 01:38

A Change of Speed

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My car is rough. It's an older Honda Civic that runs like a top and drives well, but years of rust-belt winter driving have taken their toll on the body and undercarriage. I was cleaning some of the dirt and grass off of my wheel wells this past Saturday, after parking in the grass lot for Neon Nights, when I discovered a fist-sized hole in the driver's floorboard. I've driven worse in the past, but…
Wednesday, 16 August 2023 01:39

Mosquito Bites

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I spend a great deal of time outside, and there is no doubt my favorite season is fall. We're not quite there yet, despite pumpkin spiced and Halloween items already being available at many businesses in anticipation of the season. The worst part about fall is that it is kind of like Sunday, in that it's enjoyable, but you know what is coming up next won't be fun.  Anyways, no matter what the season is,…
Tuesday, 15 August 2023 01:47

How does this happen?!

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Do you ever have something happen to you and your first instinct is to look around for Ashton Kutcher because you feel like it is so ridiculous it can't even be real? Let me take you back a step. Recently I cleaned out my car. I vividly remember taking out my four floormats to clean them. About a week later I notice that one of them is not in my car. Your guess is as…
Monday, 14 August 2023 01:52

Say it isn't so! Morgan Wallen chops the mullet

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If you were fortunate enough to see Morgan Wallen in concert in Ohio this past weekend, you may have been shocked to discover a big change in the country music superstar's appearance. Morgan Wallen has ditched his signature mullet hairstyle and is now sporting a buzzcut. He was seen onstage in Columbus on Friday in a red ball cap, to the conternation of those in the audience as well as on the internet. Fans have…
Friday, 11 August 2023 03:33


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All my life, music has held a special place in my heart. When I was in elementary school, we were taught to play the recorder and "Hot Cross Buns" was my jam! We also had a few acoustic guitar lessons, which planted the seed in me to grow into the instrumentalist I am today. In 6th grade I picked up the trumpet and seemed to have a natural ability with it, but after an inability…
Thursday, 10 August 2023 00:37

A cup of Joe!

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I love caffeine. Energy drinks, soda pop, coffee: it's all great. Working overnights, I've always got something with me to keep my energy up, but there's nothing like that cup of mud in the a.m. Coffee shops are fine, but for me, nothing hits like a gas station Columbian blend with an excessive amount of creamer. By the 9th little cup of French vanilla I'm opening, I have to wonder if anyone's judging me!  Personally,…
Wednesday, 09 August 2023 03:09

Fair Season!

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Fairs are so much fun, and I can't wait to go to Stark County's again this year. Growing up living there, I fondly remember going with my Dad and pumping myself with as much sugar as I could, from the irreplicable sweet lemonade to that sticky but oh-so-good cotten candy.  My all-time favorite fair food, hands down, is an elephant ear. A little cinnamon and some powdered sugar makes them heavenly. Funnel cakes are good, but…
Tuesday, 08 August 2023 01:04

What's the deal with street signs? 

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Let me preface this by asserting I am someone who inevitably overthinks just about everything in life, and ambiguity and confusion tend to frustrate me. With that said, I tend to have issues with some signs. The single worst one in my life is the "No Motorcycles, ATV's or Motorized Vehicles" sign my neighbor put up to deter me from riding on his land, and to keep the peace, I have been respectful of this.…
Monday, 07 August 2023 03:34


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2023 is a big year for me. I graduated college, I'm in the process of getting my very own puppy (a bloodhound by the name of Hank), I'm working to buy a house, got my first full time job, etc. Not long ago, I took motorcycle classes through the state of Ohio and am so happy to be out on the bike whenever I get a chance to do so. Whether it's a leisurely ride…
Friday, 04 August 2023 00:43

Keep your head up, literally!

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Clouds are nice.... Sometimes life moves fast, and we miss opportunities to stop and smell the roses. Something I often fail to appreciate is how pretty our Northeast Ohio skies are in the summertime. Whether it's those long warm nights beneath the moon and stars shining through the fog, or some crazy cumulonimbus formations before a storm hits, taking a moment to look up and appreciate the world we live in is refreshing. It brings…
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