Monday, 19 February 2024 01:24

WYNN - Eat Of The Week

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SW small Logo For generations the fight has raged on what is better, Pie or Cake?  The answer is YES!  Both are amazing, and both have their place.  If I had to choose, I supposed I'd go Pie.  Strawberry Rhubarb pie to me is a real treat and so is Key Lime.  My two favs.  That's why this is so good!  I love pound cake and Key Lime!  Boom!! 

I fell in love with Pound Cake 30 years ago when I was doing mornings in Lakeland, Florida at WPCV and a listener brought us a fresh pound cake she made with mayo!!!  I couldn't stop eating it.  And now Key Lime??


Wynn small pic

Read 535 times Last modified on Wednesday, 14 February 2024 10:16
