Tuesday, 28 May 2024 01:43

WYNN - #29 - Don't Take The Girl - Tim McGraw - 1994

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Tim McGraw has already been on this list with, Live Like You Were Dying #38 But since he's one of the biggest stars we've had in the last 30 years, no surprise he's back again.  The importance of this song is simple.  It's great, and it without any shadow of any doubt delivered Tim McGraw to us on the "silveriest of platters" and launched his gigantic career. There were songs from him before this like Welcome To The Club, and Indian Outlaw, but nothing like this.  Indian Outlaw got him noticed and fans loved that song, but was that a one-off and just a catchy fun song?  Well, yes and no.  It was a big hit, but when this came out, we couldn't play it enough. This incredible story song legitimized McGraw as a real artist and raced to the top of the charts.  It also was played on A/C radio for a bit. Plus for 1994, this had a very slick video that captured him and the song perfectly.  Of the dozens of McGraw number one hits, this is probably fans favorite of them all.  Some have even called this the best country song of the 1990's.  Full disclosure, this is not my favorite McGraw song, but it's incredible and touches people as it is very relatable and delivered wonderfully.  This song beyond any measure made Tim McGraw's career being the followup to Indian Outlaw.   After fans heard this, they couldn't wait to hear more, and they did for the next 30 years and still do. A major hit record that will be played forever by stations all around the country.

Last Week #30

My Full Profile On Tim McGraw

Wynn small pic


Read 678 times Last modified on Thursday, 23 May 2024 13:42
