Scott Wynn

Scott Wynn

Wednesday, 25 March 2020 01:54

COUNTRY MUSIC - Kenny, Earl, Glen, and Don

With Kenny Rogers passing last weekend, we are very close to closing a chapter in the book of Country Music that many grew up on.  Already passed are George Jones, Conway Twitty, Merle Haggard, Tammy Wynette, Waylon and Cash. Then we added Don Williams, Glen Campbell, and Earl Thomas Conley over the past year or so.  It's life, we all owe a debt.

 Great Kenny Love Song.......very underrated.


With Kenny, Earl, Glen and Don passing so did a combined 65 number one songs. Kenny 21, Earl 18 (in a row) Glen 5 and Don 21.  Those are just the number ones between them.  That era musically of course closed a long while ago. But now were are seeing the stars that made it possible drift away slowly.  There are some from that time still with us.  Willie Nelson this month recorded his 70th album, Tanya Tucker just had a great Grammy Night, Hank Jr. is selling concert tickets, and Dolly is still going strong in a ton of ventures.  Dolly of course is still a real favorite of pop culture, and heavily influential to many singers today, and a prolific song writer.

 One of my favorite Country Songs Ever....


The truth is, all of the above mentioned performers were incredibly influential to to the next line of major stars that followed, Garth, George Strait, Alan Jackson, Toby Keith, Alabama, Clint Black, Terri Clark, Shania, and Brooks and Dunn. And they in turn gave the gift and mantel to the stars of today, Jason Aldean, Keith Urban, Kenny Chesney, Luke Bryan, Carrie, Luke Combs, Blake Shelton, and others. 

 Glen always found incredible songs.....


Yes, the sound of the music has changed, and so have the stage shows.  County Music is an ever evolving, always revolving door of different. Just like our mentioned four.  Kenny was the style, the crossover sensation that gave Country a lift to new audiences.  Earl, a traditionalist, but gave us a new edgier sound, Glen gave us classic songs with a 5 octave range that everyone liked. And Don gave us balance, grounded us and showed there was still room for gentle in our format.

 This was #1 the week I started in Country Radio


I don't intend this as a sad post, just an honest one.  Things change in all avenues of life. But Country goes on like a train through the night.  And even though we have said goodbye to many recently, there are others to fill the stages - as they set the stage for who or what is to come.

Just like Kenny, Earl, Glen and Don.......

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Thursday, 26 March 2020 01:07

STAYING HOME - Wine, Why Not?

With all the at home time right now, our overall activities are limited.  You can work out at the house, but that gets old.  You can only take so many walks, and board games can turn into bored games after a few days.  But there's a solution that makes sense.  Plus, the stores that sell it are on the essential list too.  Some are even having "Wine With DeWine" every afternoon at 2pm during the Governers daily press conferences.

OK, it doesn't solve all of our problems, but wine is a very versatile option.  The Beautiful Windy and I enjoy a nice Cab every now and then, and it makes a nice time better.  Wine and a movie, wine in front of the fire, or both.  Wine while cooking, wine on the porch, wine and cheese, and wine and dine!  But one thing we really like is wine and Charcuterie.

Delish - We didn't make this one, we just ate it.

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Charcuterie...what a great word.  It makes you sound like you know what you're doing, more than you really do.  What it really is, is a bunch of cheese on a board, with a bunch of stuff you drag out of the fridge to munch on while drinking wine.  You then arrange it nicely on the wooden cutting board that's still in the box you don't use very often, and voila!   It can be life changing.  A good Charcuterie board is better than a meal many times.  We've done that. Thinking about dinner, but we make a board instead. Blast a bottle of wine down with it, and we are good to go. Less dishes, easy to clean up and delicious.

Or This One.....

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During this time of togetherness, and limited activities available, I think cooking and food prep together can be good, therapeutic, and enjoyable.  And that can be really fun while having a glass of wine. Windy and I love to cook together and have a wine. We enjoy food, and we enjoy being in the kitchen together.  One of our first dates was making ratatouille together, and we've been hooked on cooking every since. We both like to cook, and wine makes it more fun.

This entire thing could give us the gift of remembering how much we really do like to do things together, and remember the joy in things we may have done back when.  Many times rediscovering what was, leads to what could be, and maybe ends up, what is.

Over a glass of wine. 

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Tuesday, 24 March 2020 01:26

DVD & STREAMING - New This Week

Movies still closed and things changing all the time on streaming services.  These are the new releases scheduled for this week!  

 New This Week


I thought this was the best movie of 2019.  The strength of this flick is the revolutionary way this was filmed.  Great story too, as this is a non-stop ride you've never taken before. Powerful and poignant in many ways, this takes you directly to the worst places in WWI.


Fantastic in every regard.

The Grudge

This was NOT the best movie of 2019, but these always find fans.  And these kind of flicks stream well and rent well from the store or pay-per-view.


Scary stuff here.

Last Week

Jumanji:The Next Level


Richard Jewell


Superman:Red Son  (Animated)


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Sunday, 22 March 2020 01:45

COUNTRY MUSIC - Kenny Rogers

A few years ago I wrote about the death of Don Williams and Glen Campbell. Both big losses, and this one is right up there with them.

Kenny Rogers was a huge star, and for those who don't really remember him as well as others, there was a time he was really on top.  I mean really -  on top.  I played every Kenny Rogers song over my long career in this format and watched him rise to superstardom.  His appeal was universal and spanned well beyond country music,  He was not a failed pop-rock singer, but when he left that format he dominated country for many years.   And everyone liked him.  Rogers' greatest attribute from my seat was, his natural ability to make you feel comfortable with his celebrity status.  We saw him as a friend.

Lady, is one of the most beloved ballads of all time


He capitalized on the Urban Cowboy craze, and rolled through the 1980's recording great music that transcended formats. Country, and pop crossovers. He recorded with everyone, from Dolly to Dottie West, The Gatlin Brothers, Barry Gibb and many more making smash after smash.  He made movies, he was always on TV, toured and was a great entertainer for his time.  He was naturally funny on stage, and his fans loved hearing him tell stories during his shows.  He also was an incredible singing storyteller, as he may be the best "story song" singer ever. 

 The Gambler is one of the most quoted hits ever...


He was a star much like Campbell, in that everyone knew him no matter what music you called your favorite.  The music in many cases was hard to categorize, except it was just- good!  He worked with the best people in the business, across all formats.  And all along the way recorded classics that will be played for generations to come.  He was a natural star, he was born to be a star, and he was.

Buried Treasure (my favorite) with the Gatlin Brothers was a great example of him singing with the giants of the day!


Kenny Rogers symbolized that people simply liked good music.  What format, or style you called it was up to you.

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Monday, 23 March 2020 01:07

Out There Somewhere

I am an optimist by nature.  With that said, I am also a realist. I understand that many times bad things happen and will continue to happen.  I do believe that this virus will come and go. But I also believe it will do damage along the way, and plenty of it.  I also believe it will be beaten.

History is on the side of the good.  There have been tons of diseases and conditions that have been cured or eradicated and our lives are so better for it.  Vaccines have changed billions of lives for good, and have made a long life possible all over the world.  People have dedicated their entire life to that mission.  Polio alone was a huge killer and serious problem for decades until Dr. Jonas Salk developed the vaccine.  It's still called the Salk Polio Vaccine.  Somewhere, there is another Dr. Salk. 

This job today is a huge one.  The world is waiting for some good news on this, and sometime in the not too distant future, we're going to get some.  Somewhere on earth there is someone, or someones who are going to find the keys, and either cure, or develop a vaccine for this virus. My optimism says probably both in time. Again history is on our side.  Whoever it is, will go down in history forever.  And they should. Unlocking the secret to this will be on par with the greatest breakthroughs ever medically.  And it will be remembered forever for the impact it will bring to all avenues of life.

Humans, have a way of being their own worst enemy sometimes.  Many times, we have felt that our world, or freedom was in real jeopardy for a myriad of reasons.  But when the country, or world needs a hero, one or many always show up.  History will back that up too, in world events and in medicine.

They are out there somewhere, ready to take their place in history.

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Friday, 20 March 2020 01:12

ENTERTAINMENT - Well Done, Hallmark!

During this difficult time I think we have found out a few things.  We can only watch so much social media, and News Networks about this thing. 

Also, we may not be missing the NBA, or the NHL as much as we may have thought, or at all.  We do miss the start of baseball, as it signifies the beginning of the warm weather. March Madness too!  Streaming is great, and booming, and also that we do need something positive to watch.  For me, crime shows are a bit heavy too right now. 

Enter The Hallmark Channel.  Yeah, we poke some good fun at them on the show from time to time.  All the movies have the exact same formula, but who cares?  Right now, we need some positive, uplifting stories to watch, and they are certainly that.  Life as it should be, and focusing on the best parts of life.   Falling in love, fairs, festivals, holidays, the whole thing. 

This weekend, Hallmark is putting on a Christmas Movie Marathon starting noon Friday!  Good for them! This is a great programming decision. It goes all weekend long 24 hours. I think they will have great ratings, and a huge audience for many reasons.  But the first one is   -  they just make you feel good.  And wow, do we need that right now.  I'll admit, I like them, they are fun, as they do make you happy. Windy and I laugh at the campy-ness of them sometimes, but that's half the fun too.

So, get ready. Get the popcorn, pour the wine, (Windy told me to buy more)  and make a fire -  It's Christmas in March on Hallmark - Very well done!!

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Thursday, 19 March 2020 01:25

LOCAL - We Are Better At This Than Most

What we all are going through right now is a tough thing and that's putting it mildly.  Our daily lives have been turned upside down, and everyone is doing the best they can. 

Hard times are no stranger to this part of Ohio, or to this area of the country in general.  We have had our share of adversity, I would guess more than our fair share.  And without question more than many other parts of the country.  Everyone has their challenges no matter where they live. But many areas haven't fought the "way of life battle" like this area of the country.  Been going on a long time now.  This is just the latest saga. This for a rare opportunity has everyone in the exact same boat.

Yes, here is what many call of course, The Rust Belt.  Older, proud, important cities that had amazing times, and now are in the process of reinventing themselves after a huge industrial boom gone by. The boom that built this country.  Some places have recovered, some have not, and some probably never will.  But you know what?  We roll on.  We understand more than most about tough times.

Being tough comes from tough times. We help those in need, because we have had need ourselves.  We support our neighbors, because we know them. We rise up, when others more fortunate tell us to stay down. We don't quit.  We just find another gear, another way, and we move on.  It's a fighting spirit that shows up occasionally and temporarily in other more glamorous areas of our country, and they are lauded for days on the National Networks and celebrated endlessly for a fighting spirit that fades with the memory of the event.  They learned that from us.  Not the fading part, but the spirit part.  Bring your cameras here sometime, and show the rest of the country the strength that is seared into us from life's fiery kiln that burns within us every day, not just when things are going wrong.

This thing is going to come, and one day go.  And we will still be here.  And the push back DNA that is in all of us will be reinvigorated  - only deeper.  We will be better, faster and stronger than before.  Today, we will support those who need a big helping hand, and they will remember that after this storm has passed.  For one day it will be our turn to need help, and they will then be there for us.  That's the Akron way, that's the Midwest Way, that's the strength that chisels the rust off the belt. 

Up the road, this will end.  We don't like it, but we are ready, and we are better at this than most.  And I'm proud of that.

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There is no way that anyone, anywhere could have seen anything like this happening.  The virus climate that we are all going through right now, is a once in a lifetime thing.  And that will certainly be sufficient.

I'll get right to it.  Local bars and restaurants need you and me to be a hero right now.  With the closing down of sit down dining, the business model has changed for many of these small places. Big ones too.  Drive-Ins are still going strong and so is pick-up and delivery at many. So I say order today, and tomorrow and so on.  These are your friends and neighbors and they have their entire lives, and life savings in these great places.  And like an electric bolt strike, everything has temporarily changed in an instant.

We all have watched, and plunked down $15 or so to watch countless Disney, Marvel, and DC Comic movies.  We've sat there and cheered for a "Superhero" to save the world.  All of it fake. The characters, the story, the premise, the whole thing a fantasy.  Many have wondered what it would be like to fly, or lift a tank, or have superpowers.  Truth is, you do - right here - right now. 

This is very, very real. By you supporting these local eateries, you won't just lift a tank off the ground, you will lift the weight of the world off these good people.  And that's exactly what they need from us right now.  Make no mistake, right now they are carrying it around all day and night.  Tired by day, sleepless at night. The Joker and Thanos can wait.  These local restaurant owners can not.

Hey, we all gotta eat, so let's do this.  Drive in, pick up, and take out.  Let's step up. Time for all of us to be an honest to goodness Superhero!  The restaurant owners will never forget you did this!

Here's a link to the WQMX Facebook page - Huge list of places, and menus at the top

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Tuesday, 17 March 2020 01:38


With all that's going on this week, and the theaters closed, streaming and DVD is the way to go.  Here are some new flicks you can check out.

Jumanji: The Next Level

I loved this franchise from day one in the mid-nineties. The second one a year or two ago was terrific, and this is too.  We could all use a little fun this week, and this is it. Great cast, great fun.


A very nice escape in a week where we need one.  If you missed this in the theater, don't miss it now!


Richard Jewel

This is not light movie watching, but this is good.  True story of course, with great performances and a slick script.  Great watch, and a story worth telling.


Good movie making is when you know the outcome, and you still have great interest in the movie.




Charlies Angels


Spies In Disguise

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Monday, 16 March 2020 01:18

WYNN QUOTES - Out Of The Abyss

"We are undefeated against the storm....."

Storms are a part of life, and by no means anyone's favorite. Storms gather, they strengthen, they happen, they go away, they die out.  They are a very fast paced microcosm of real life.  What takes us 80 some years on average, takes them a few days, or weeks in some cases. 

No one is saying that storms shouldn't be respected, or they can't cause us great pain because they can.  And In many cases, they do significant damage.  Especially when we show them little or no respect.  But when we then gather ourselves, we are the risers, and we go on as where the storm has dissipated to ruin.  That's human, that's instinct, and that's one of the best things about being alive. The desire to go on, when it's hard to go on.  Because beyond the wind, and after the rain there is usually something found that wasn't there before, or we just were not seeing it, by blindness, or choice.

Also, many times storms are not easy to negotiate, as they will not negotiate with you.  They have a mind of their own, and follow no rules.  Navigating with no map is tough anytime, but when the enemy has no real plan but to exist, travels can be difficult.  But we find our way out of the abyss, or ashes and phoenix up, and go on. 

It's in our DNA, and it's a gift that is given free to us, and we know when it's time to use it.

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