Scott Wynn

Scott Wynn

Thursday, 27 February 2020 01:16


Among the amazing gifts the beautiful Windy gives to me on a regular basis, are great ideas!  Last year at this time she suggested we go to a local fundraising fish fry. GREAT idea!!  OK, not earth shattering, but sometimes we need to be reminded that local civic, church and charity groups need events like that to support their charge.

Last year on the first Friday we could, we went to the Streetsboro Eagles Club for thier fish fry. It was delicious.  Huge fish, and sides, and it was really fun.  This year we are going to stay longer, and hang for a while as it won't be our first time.  It felt good to support local folks that do good work.  Even with our busy lives over the past generation or so, it is still good to see civic groups have an important place in our towns.  My dad was a Kiwanian for most of his adult life. He went to the meetings, coached little league sponsored baseball, and was well known around our town of Berea.

eagles 2

I remember going with him as a young kid to the Pancake And Sausage Breakfasts that he worked.  I thought I was a big shot.  I'd get up real early and go in with him to Roehm Jr. High School and help out.  I'm not sure how much help I was, but I wore an apron that was 15 sizes too big, and was part of the team.

And Later As An Adult, I Flipped Pancakes At The Lakeland,Florida Breakfast


When you go to a local fry this year, you will feel like part of the team too. You'll certainly feel like a part of the community, as there is a goodness in these events that can't be captured by a restaurant. Plus, the food is always good.

Please support your local groups, go to a fry! 

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Tuesday, 25 February 2020 01:23

COUNTRY MUSIC - I Like Granger Smith

I like Granger Smith.  I like him for many reasons, but one of them is the fact he's this guy who's always out there somewhere making a good song.

His Latest Single  - Terrific!


Being fair, he's not top of mind for many, and has not reached the summit that others have, not yet anyway. But his fans love him and his live shows. I am a fan for the same reasons, but also in the fact that he chooses good songs, that say something.  I always like it when songs say something that wasn't said in the song that just played before it. Or it is said differently.  Good words, and feel, can cut through like a great melody. 

Backroads Song  - I hope we play this one for 25 years!


I also feel that his singles are easy to listen to. They flow, they have a feel, they take you some place, and you believe it.  To me, the believe-ability of a song, and the artist together is crucial.  There are many good songs, and many good singers, but sometimes you don't believe the marriage of the two. You can sense when it's a forced deal. You can also feel when the artist has been there and knows what he or she is singing about.  I hear that in Granger Smith.  He knows who he is....I like that in an artist.

(Photos from the generosity and extreme talent of Justina Bucceri)

ganger 2

I also like rooting for the underdog.  Does he qualify? I guess technically yes, but only in some senses.  To me, his music is stuff of anything but.  I'm a fan...

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Monday, 24 February 2020 01:09

WYNN QUOTES - We Get There Better

QUOTE  -   "The Right Thing Usually Happens....."

People close to me know I say this a lot, and I pray it's received as it is intended.  I don't mean it as cliche', or preachy,  it just resonates with me.  I am also not saying this is fact, just what I feel.

Social Media has been one of the great learning tools I have ever seen. Much is to be learned by those around us. We all read our feed daily where we see extreme views, opinions, feelings, and rants. For the most part we digest them, and move on. But we all have those we follow that we may know well, or not, that seem to have a recurring theme of sadness, or anger, negativity, or the most prevalent that I see, holding on to a hurt.  Heck, some of us have those people in real life too, without the screen and keyboard.

I am for the most part, an optimist.  I feel that time automatically instills that in us as we get older.  After you live through a whole bunch, you do come to the conclusion slowly that things for the most part work themselves out.  In life we get hurt, we also supply the hurt sometimes.  We have decisions made for us, and sometimes we make the decisions.  Sometimes we make things happen, and sometimes stuff just happens. 

I do not subscribe to the idea of "this happenes to only me" or "of course it does", "here we go again." or "poor me." Because the truth is you are in charge of who you spend time with, and ultimately what you do, and where you are.  It's not easy sometimes to come to the finding that you are the common denominator in all that you do.  When you accept that, you can then look clearly out life's picture window, and not it's porthole.

Then flash forward and look at things realistically.  Most of us end up where we are supposed to be, and with who we are supposed to be with.  That's not to say that the road is easy getting there, because it's not.  Even the best roads have ups and downs, tricky curves, and challenging parts that bring out parts of us we didn't know was within us.  But that's all a part of the climb, that is our lives. 

And when we look back down the road we left behind, we then realize we don't just get there, we usually get there better.

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Friday, 21 February 2020 01:17

MOVIE PREVIEW - New This Week!

Call Of The Wild

Here comes Buck The Dog, from the classic novel. Yes, literature comes to the big screen.  Jack Londons masterpiece of a story stars Harrison Ford and of course, Buck.  They go on an epic adventure together into the "last place on the earth."  If you know the story, you know Buck is worth rooting for!


This looks lke a very nice mid-winter piece that is overdue to be told.   I can't wait to see this!


Brahams: The Boy 2

Katie Holmes is here, in the second installment of this franchise.  By watching this preview, you'll see this is not for everyone


This will find an audience. These always do!


Ordinary Love

For the first time in a few winters, Liam Neeson stars in a movie, where he is not killing a ton of people with some  special skills at 60.  This is a love story of an older couple and thier battle with cancer. This looks very powerful and close to the bone.


Small movie, small results, but looks very poignant.

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Thursday, 20 February 2020 01:54

LOCAL - Meeting Dr. Kate!

This week I made the good decision to find a new dentist.  These type of things are never the extreme highlight of the year, but it was my time. My trusted and long time dentist made it clear to me he is retiring soon, so it was time to move on.

A few people at the station said I should check out Dr. Kate Raymond in Norton.  She is a long time client of WQMX and has a real nice place.  Her office is very nice, and so is she.  Her staff too, great people that made me feel welcome and gave me terrific service from the moment I walked in, to the moment I left. 

My cleaning and checkup was over before I knew it, and I was on my way.  I also absolutley felt like I had done something good for myself, and made the right decision.  Plus they are HUGE listeners of WQMX there and we love that.  Looking for a new dentist, or maybe it's been a while since you've seen one?  Try Dr. Kate.   Please take care of your teeth, it's one of the smartest things you can do.  Imagine life without them - no good!

Really nice peeps and very comfortable setting.  Catch her on Facebook, and Instagram too. Take care of your teeth, and they'll take care of you!  Thank you, Dr. Kate!

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Wednesday, 19 February 2020 01:10

TRIBE - Yes, It's Wishful Thinking, But So?

Opening Day for the Tribe is not far off, and we're starting to get excited about baseball again.  OK, let's forget for a moment about the terrible Astro and Red Sox situation, and think more instead of something far more pleasant.  Contract negotiations.

You may have heard the somewhat encouraging news from Frankie Lindor that he wants to remain an Indian for years to come.  He said all the right things, and needless to say we would all like that to be in the cards.  But it more than likley will not.  But the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and it's been taken.  Now it's up to him and the Tribe to talk. 

The newest trend is the amount of years players want.  10 seems to be the hot number, and there is no way I would sign any player to that long of a deal in sports.  That's where these crazy numbers are coming from. 300-400 million dollars.  The Tribe won't pay that. They key is, to get the amount of years down, and that may be possible to keep the number under control, maybe 150 million.   (Ridiculous)  He's young too and that plays to his advantage long term.  Everyone may be dreaming, but wouldn't it be great to keep him here during his real prime?  

The problem will be the baseball union though.  They have thier agenda, and right now it's long term deals for star players. But truth be told, Frankie could still sign another huge deal after this one, and still cash in.  And more truth be told, Lindor is more valuable to the Indians than he would be any other place that could cough up 300 million for 10 years. Right now, he is "Indians Baseball."  I can see a statue out front in years ahead if he stays, and it would be earned. 

But as fun as it is to think about this, and visualize it, baseball economic odds are tough to beat, it may all be wishful thinking.  Just like baseball itself.  We wish for a grand slam, or a two-out ninth inning rally.  But in reality, those things only happen a small percentage of the time.  There is no question we wish for Frankie to stay, maybe he will hit the grand slam, in the ninth and we all go home happy.

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Monday, 17 February 2020 01:32


Over the weekend, we at WQMX had the first of we hope will be many, Red, White, and Bowl fundraisers for the amazing people at NEOPAT!  The fun event was at Charger Lanes in Norton who were nothing sort of remarkable to us for the event.  Jim, his family and staff were amazing!  And of course thanks to you it was an incredible success!  We raised close to $6,000 for those deserving people.

With Jim From Charger Lanes


We are a local company at WQMX, and I love that.  We support only local charities, and I love that too.  No one thinks that the National Charities are anything less than good people, but the locals are here, available, and in greater need.  It's fun and rewarding to talk with and shake hands with the people actually doing the yeomans work no matter what charity we are featuring that day.

With The NEOPAT Team


NEOPAT takes care of local military families with need.  And after talking with many of the folks from there, the need does not ever end. This area, as much as any, has a vested interest in the military and it's families.  The whole family serves. And there is virtually no situation NEOPAT has not seen, and they handle whatever needs to be taken care of.  Of course, thanks to your generosity.

I always say we love supporting those who are worth supporting and NEOPAT is one of them  Thank you for coming to our event, and helping us, help others.  Hope to see you there next year as we go bigger and better for you.

And thank you NEOPAT.

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Tuesday, 18 February 2020 01:33

WYNN - MOM - 76 Years

Last week I had to make a decision for someone, and that's not anyone's favorite thing.  My mom is 92 years old, and has great health. She really has never had any serious issues and that's amazing since she was born the year Lindbergh flew across the Atlantic.  But there is no denying, that she isn't quite the same as she once was, even 4 months ago.

Last week, since I'm the one of her three children and who lives local, I had to tell my mom she can no longer drive a car. I'm also the youngest, so the news from me was really not her favorite to hear as you may have guessed.  We talked about it, there was some disagreement, and some common ground as well, but in the end, it's the end of a 76 year run of being able to drive a car.  I was sad about it, mostly because there is no room for debate on this.  I'm comfortable with it 100%, but it's still tough to deliver this kind of news.

My mom was driving around rural Ohio in the late 1940's as a recruiter for Marrietta College.  This was long before the interstate highway system.  She drove state routes and dusty back roads alone for a few years.  She then drove to the Jack And Jill Dude Ranch  (Now the Double JJ Ranch in extreme Western Michigan)  in 1952, where she first met my dad.  She drove alone to visit all three of us in various states we moved off to, from Boston, to Chicago, Connecticut, Virginia, Missouri and more. She drove to Florida a couple times after my dad died to visit her brother.  And she drove way out west alone on a college sabbatical at the age of about 62 to research a topic she would write a paper on as a college professor.  

I guess what I am saying is, she has been fearless her entire life.  She has kept a 2.5 acre piece of property going since 1959, and for last 42 of those years has done it alone after my dad died when she was 50.  She has even added on to the house 3 times since the age of 72, and designed all the additions.  She has done well, and fearless is the best word I can use to describe her.  She is fearless when it comes to later life's challenges and I'm proud of her for that.  But sadly, being fearless is not good enough anymore to tackle some of life's major responsibilities.  In fact, it's just the opposite.

For the first time ever she needs some help, and she's getting it but it has not been the easiest transition.  We are gaining on the good ground and she is getting used to the fact that things are changing.  She still has great health, and freedom that I feel is enviable for most people her age.  But some of that freedom is now gone, I get it, and that's not easy for her.  76 years is a long time to to anything.

She will now see a car ride from the passenger seat only.  Gladly, it's only the end of her driving - and not her drive, and certainly not the end of her road. 

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Friday, 14 February 2020 01:14


Sonic The Hedgehog

Jim Carrey returns to the movies with a mid-winter comedy and half-animated flick.  For those who need a refresher, I found this behind-the-scenes trailer that may prove valuable.


Check it out!  This could be February fun!



This looks terrific!  Julia Louis-Dreyfus, and Will Farrell star in this drama-comedy made by some very skilled movie makers. This has also been awarded by the Sundance Film Festival.  Not usually a Farrel fan, but this looks like a real movie, and this preview makes me, and hopefully you, want to go.  This proves that the script is a big deal.  When it's good everyone can be good.


Should be fun!


The Photograph

This looks perfectly timed as a really nice Valentines Day movie!  Being honest, I really want to see this as it is the telling of two stories from different eras. A solid cast, and a move that has a real nice look to it.


Can't wait to go!


Fantasy Island

Ok, Mr. Rourke is back from the TV show, and at first this looks like the show we all remember.  But this is Blumhouse movies and they don't make those kind of movies. This is an intense thriller that turns dark and slashery.  Ricardo Montalban would roll over in his grave.


So would Tattoo!

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Thursday, 13 February 2020 01:02

Winter - Is This A New Thing?

Waking up to winter weather is not high on many people's list as a terrific time, but that's the way it is this morning.  Some junk has, and is falling and rush hour will now be rush-two-hours. And there could be some schools closed.  It's a drag. But, it's nothing new around here.

Help me out here, is it me, or has winter become this thing that many are stunned happens every year?  No one on earth likes driving in this mess, or shoveling, or anything else you need to to do with it.  But it's nothing new.  Social media lights up with flabbergasted followers posting simulated shock, complete with dramatic pictures over a few inches of snow and the troubles it can bring, especially to the left outside patio furniture. Plus the outrage that a side street wasn't priority one  - as the first flake flew. 

Might Be Slick Out There This Morning!


Maybe it's the TV coverage, or maybe expectations are too high.  True, weather forecasting can be difficult, and yes there are better tools than ever.  Snow removal equipment is at an all-time best, along with innovative ways to dispel the drifts of snow.  But in the end, they are just people, and the Earth charge.  Our phones can give us good information and many feel it is the gospel, but it's still a man made machine, relaying info from, man.

Is it that we feel that everything should be perfect today?  We all want things right, tidy, correct, accurate and flawless.  And in some things that is achieveable, like ...laundry.  Not winter weather.  Snow falls, rain, sleet, and the roads get messed up, and many walk around in dizzy disbelief, or post such on Twitter, or Facebook.  I feel and have always felt that when winter comes, everyone involved is doing the best they can, and we have to digest the fact that for the few months the weather sucks.  We have to accept the fact that life will be a bit more difficult for a while before yeilding to milder skies and brighter sun.  And when you've had enough, hit Florida for a few days!

It's Husky Weather!!

wint 1

I've been getting up at 2:30 AM for 40 years and driving into a radio station many mornings before the crews have been out, or right in the middle of the storm and usually before the morning low.  Making it clear I don't like one thing about winter, I do like being here on the air, with my showmates, in the morning when you need good info, a calming presence or a good laugh to get you through it.

One of the best parts of my job, in one of the worst times of the year.

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