Scott Wynn

Scott Wynn

Tuesday, 24 December 2019 01:16

Christmas - A Very Dewsweeper Christmas Eve!

Today is a great day, it's Christmas Eve!  I like this day about as much as any holiday. It's just fun to think about the upcoming 24 hours, and a time to spend time with your best friends.  And Watch  A Christmas Story.....

I admit, I have been blessed with the best friends you can imagine.  The original Dewsweepers, Me, Don, Joe and Tex, have been playing golf on Sunday mornings for many years now.  We seldom miss one, and when someone can't make it there are a few new Dewsweepers that fill in and we have all become great friends. The original four of us, have known each other our entire lives pretty much.  This is a GREAT tradition!

The best friends by far, anyone could have!

dewsweepers 1

So on Christmas Eve, we all get together for the Dewsweeper lunch, made complete with wives, and friends, and it's a really fun time. There is a small gift exchange, and some other fun games.  The pic above is from last year at the Oak Barrell in Independence, and it was a great time.  We four take turns in planning the event, and last year was my year.  This year Don is the man.

I look forward to this every year as much as any gathering.  All of my best friends on earth in one place at one time that can be.  Our Florida golf friends, Ray and Tim cannot make it, but Don and I will see them in a few weeks for a golf weekend. 

Me, Ray, Tim, and Don last Superbowl Weekend!


This gathering gets me in the spirit as much as anything can at this time of the year. It's a great start to a fun holiday.  I look forward to this, like a kid looks forward to running down the steps on Christmas morning.  I hope you have a tradition that is similar.

Merry Christmas to you and your family and friends..

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Monday, 23 December 2019 01:35

MOVIE PREVIEWS - New Christmas Day!


This looks amazing!  This movie is the story of two soldiers in WWI that have to essentially take a suicide military mission trip, on foot, to save the lives of about 2,000 soldiers. This is filmed in a magnificent new way that will make this very compelling as we go back to about the worst place on earth in 1917.



This is up for a ton of awards already and there will be more on the way. This could be the movie of the year.


Just Mercy

Another movie being talked about on the awards show circuit.  An all-star cast here as well, in this heavy drama in the south, about legal and racial inequality. This too has gotten some nominations already with more soon coming.  This is also based on a true story.



Not light move watching.


Little Women

The latest adaptation here, will find an audiance and will be a mild hit. Altough, this will find a loyal and dedicated following, I'm not sure this will be a big box office hit.  Strange time of the year for this to be out. Tons of competition and this could get lost in the shuffle.   I would have shot for an early fall release.



Although this is being reviewed quite well.


Spies In Disguise

An aminated flick that looks pretty funny as they lampoon the spy movie genre.


Amimated flicks are always hits at holidays!

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Friday, 20 December 2019 01:03

MOVIE PREVIEWS - New This Weekend!

Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker

OK, they say this is it!  The final chapter, but I don't think anyone is really thinking that will be the case.  But, what will be the case is cash-o-plenty. Enough for C-3PO to get oil changes for life, and maybe for Princess Leia to finally get her hair done properly.  This is going be a monumental hit, where you better get your tickets in advance.



Hard to review these, after all it's Star Wars.  You already love it, and you haven't seen it yet.



This is one of the most anticipated movies of the year.  A true all-star cast from start to finish, that takes us deep into Fox News and tells the story of Roger Ailes and his scandal-plagued giant news operation.  All based on true events.



Can't wait to see this!



The huge play comes to the big screen.  This has a huge cast that is mixed with CGI, and to be honest, the previews I have seen, this has kind of a silly and creepy look to it.   



You judge for yourself

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Thursday, 19 December 2019 01:46

Christmas - A Dog And A Fireplace

Is it just me, or is there something therapeutic about seeing a dog sleeping in front of a fireplace?  The other night, the beautiful Windy and I were watching some bad TV, and we caught Juneau posing in front of the roaring fire, and Windy got a pic.

After the canine photo session was over, Juneau curled up there for a few uninterrupted hours of quiet. As I watched that humble husky there, I was eternally envious.  I'm not sure I, or any of us have ever been that comfortable since the womb. She slept the evening away in the warmth of the fiery glow, and we just watched.  I mean, she was on the floor, and I don't want to lay on the floor, but it looked completely comfy.

It took her a while to find the fireplace in the first place, but now I feel she has a new TV watching home. Well, we watched TV, she just got a good snore on.

Merry Christmas!

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Wednesday, 18 December 2019 01:12

BROWNS - Have You Seen Enough?

Have you seen enough of the Browns this season?  Or have you seen enough of Freddie Kitchens?  Or both?  Well sadly they are one of the same.  After watching the football enema that was the Arizona game on Sunday, it was as clear to me as it will ever be.  THIS bunch of players the Browns have, DO NOT want to play for this coach for whatever reason.   6-8 with this team, one that can't get out of its own way is simply sad.  This is not anti-Kitchens stuff.  It's just what is in front of us.

Four games define this season  (When you read makes it all too real)

1 -  Season Opener Tennessee - At home, blown out by 30. I think they are still calling penalties 13 weeks after this game. Lackluster, and beaten by a Quarterback who is now benched and and has been for weeks.

2 -  Denver -  Beaten by a Quarterback making his first NFL start, Brandon Oliver.  He looked like Elway against us, and he has now been been benched. Plus, the Broncos stink.

3 -  Steelers - Beaten by Duck Hodges   DUCK HODGES!!  lol  -   A QB from SAMFORD College,  not  STANFORD, not drafted, and he shredded us like lettuce! They also had about 5 of thier best players out of action.

4 -  Arizona -  They were 3-9-1 and lost 6 straight, until we rolled into town and they promptly rolled us by 14 and it wasn't that close, with a Rookie QB that racked up 434 yards of offense!

Win those very winnable games and you are 10-4 right now.  And sadly, all of those games should have been won. No heart, no passion, no wins.

Hoping for better things next year. On the Browns Christmas list?


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Monday Night Football is on tonight, and I don't know, or care, who is playing. And really, I never do.  ESPN has successfully destroyed an American favorite over the years, and now it may be just about as dull as it can be. 

MNF used to be an event.  Now, look, I'm not saying go back to the "Old Days."  Frank, Howard and Dandy Don are all dead anyway.  But the entire broadcast had the right idea. Make it an event, more than football, in the booth and out.  Now, it's just another game. It might was well be a college game with Texas Tech and Boise State, and not the NFL.  It's now and X's and O's broadcast with announcers no one wants to hear, and who have nothing new, or really nothing creative to say at all. There is no star power, no pizzaz, no..well anything.  It's just a game that starts too late, and runs too long.

It was a huge mistake to take it off ABC and put it on ESPN, (same company).  That gave NBC a clear path to be #1.  NBC Sunday Night Football is better positioned on its night, and on the main network.  It's also the number one show on TV.  The ratings for cable are decent, but the MNF broadcast is not exciting. Monday night Football is an after thought with many now. If not just with those watching it, and seemingly with those producing it. 

What was once a real institution, is now as dull as paint on an old barn.  MNF needs a hero, or two, or three....that I fear are never coming.

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Tuesday, 17 December 2019 01:09

INDIANS - Don't Be Mad...

This weekend the Tribe traded long time favorite, pitcher Corey Kluber to the Texas Rangers and social media went beserk.  I was sad too, but that's baseball in the 21st century in a market like Cleveland.  Many have a tendency to think it's just us, but it's not. Most markets like us have the exact same issues.

They had no choice but to trade Kluber, it's money plain and simple.  They saved 18 million or so this year and would never have been able to pay him next year with a new deal. And I'm not sure they would want to anyway.  Kluber was here for 9 great years.  In a market like this, that's a long time.  He was great for us, won 2 Cy Youngs, got us to a World Series and a few playoffs.  He was great and lived up to his end of the bargain.  And I'm a fan.

But being honest, I will say this. He is 34 and I think the Indians got the best years out of Kluber that any one is going to get.  He has a ton of innings on that arm, and I think it's catching up with him.  Oh, he has some good innings left in him, and it will be hard when he shuts us out at home in some game in July.  But in the long run this is the best thing the Tribe can do in many ways.  They must get the most out of what they have.  And one thing they really have is good young pitching.

And buckle up, Frankie Lindor is next.  In time he will be traded, and that will be tough too.  Fans will scream about cheap owners, and that's unfair.  Not many teams can afford the 400 million or so it will take to sign him long term. We, and 28 other teams don't have it.  So when the time comes, they should make the best deal they can.  Lindor, unlike Kluber, can rebuild the franchise for the second time.  As he did with the Tribe drafting him, and as it will be when they trade him.  He can, and will bring a kings ransom.

Thanks Kluber.  You were great here, and I thank you for the years of incredible service.  Go home to Texas and be great, just not against us.

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Friday, 13 December 2019 01:21


Jumanji: The Next Level

Is this number 2 or number 3?  Well the answer is..both.  It is the third Jumanji movie, as they do reference the first one in the second one, but this is the second one with the new cast.  The sequel was simply great, and I am hoping they are not out of that magic for this one.



The sequel was adapted brilliantly and made you feel like you were in for a new, but respectful ride from the first frame.  Big cast again led by The Rock, Jack Black and Kevin Hart.   And a bunch of new stars too!  Should be fun!


Richard Jewell

Director Clint Eastwood has been wanting to tell this true story of the title character for a long time. During the 1996 Summer Olympics, was he a hero, or a bomber at the venue?   We will find out. But we will also find out just how brutal his legal journey was.


This is a movie goers  must see.


BONUS!  Wonder Woman '984

This comes out summer 2020, but the preview has taken us all by storm!






Thursday, 12 December 2019 01:48

TBT - "That Hair....."

I know, Throwback Thursday has been around for a long while now.  Probably a bit too long, and we all kind of put up with it.  But the one thing I always notice from the second a pic is posted is the huge chorus of Vidal Sassoons and Paul Mitchells  chiming in with, "OMG that hair!"  Or  "Those bangs, nice mullett, or what's up with your hair?"  and the LOL's are flying around like planes over O'Hare.  And being fair, it's apt.  It's about all anyone really says.

But Throwback Thursday has taught me over the years there are two things to keep in mind.  One is, yes the hair was awful. I mean look at this pic from me from the 4th grade.  What hedge-trimming, machete-wielding, pinking shear-throwing sadist did that to me? Truth be told, it was probably my mom with some razor blade contraption from the Revco.  But things are different today, as many parents put a lot of money into their own hair, or thier kids hair too.  And that's fine, everyone is looking good!  Until you don't.....

The second thing to remember is this. The hair you're wearing right this minute as you read this, will be laughed at hard in Throwback Thursdays up the road.  The clothes too.  We all think we are the height of fashion, until one day we are not, and today's hair style is the thing of a good laugh from others and probably you too, in the years ahead.

But right now, we are looking good!  Real good!

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Wednesday, 11 December 2019 01:47

DOGS - Gettin' A Groom

I have owned two Huskies.  The late Kona, and the very much alive, Juneau.  As great as these dogs are, I have to ask one question.  Where the heck does all this hair come from?

I mean, this is us on the way to get a haircut!

juneau car

You have to put the car in like a haz-mat suit to even get the dog to the people that will attempt to shed some of this shedding!  Its a process!

Look,  I've had some long hair at times, but nothing like this.

If you have a long haired dog, you get it.  Thank goodness we have those who are willing to go in and get it done.  My great friends at Pay It Forward For Pets keep Juneau looking good -  Thank YOU!

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