Scott Wynn

Scott Wynn

Friday, 12 April 2019 06:25


Here are the new movies this week that will join Dumbo, Us, Shazam, and Pet Sematary as your biggest choices at the movies!


The Missing Link

It may be interesting to see how this does at the box office this week.  I have seen a ton ot TV ads for this. That many times is not a good sign.  Much of the hype surrounding this, is the great voice work which includes Hugh Jackman, Zoe Saldana, and Zac Galifianakis, Emma Thompson and others.  But the early reviews on this are good, and it does look for a fun family night at the movies.




Here we go again. More Hellboy. Been there, done that.





Could be a fun spring break comedy. Boom!  You were a grown, highly successful business woman and now you are 12 on outside, but still a grown woman inside.  This stars Regina Hall, and looks like this could be be fun if it stays on message.


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Thursday, 11 April 2019 09:50

Sharing Cherry Blossoms

I was lucky enough over the weekend to go see a sight that I am glad I did.  Your kids may be taking a trip this month for school, or already did, to Washington DC, and I hope they saw the Cherry Blossoms.  Windy and I took a road trip there, and I am glad we did.

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It really was an incredible sight that everyone at some point should see.  Huge crowds as you might expect, and with that said I'm not sure I need to go during peak season and see them again, but this was a feast for the eyes.

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Tuesday, 09 April 2019 11:24

Coliseum To The Field House

Quicken Loans Arena is getting a new name this week. It will how be known as Rocket Mortgage Field House.  Remember when our local sports venues had simple names?  Names like Municipal Stadium and The Coliseum?  And remember, the Richfield Coliseum was right here in Summit County.

Recently I have driven past this intersection a few times, and every time I do, I think the exact same thing.  The junction of I-271 and State Route 303 was the home of the Coliseum.  And even though the massive structure that was the Miracle In Richfield has been long gone for about 25 years, the gigantic piece of land is still empty.  That alone, is a miracle.


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When the Coliseum opened in the mid 1970's it was a marvel.  It replaced the dark, dank Cleveland Arena that was the Cavaliers, Barons, and Crusaders home for years.  The Coliseum was a showplace and was the envy of most other cities at the time.  So many great times happened there, and then one day it was just - over.  As the movement to build arenas and stadiums downtown reemerged.  Just was the Coliseum led the charge to build them out from the city 20 years earlier.  A trend that many cities followed.

I always think it's a shame there is not something there, that says it was there.  There should be a marker that states this place was so great for so long, and gave so many such joy.  With sports, events, and music.  It was the first beacon of a new hope for an area that needed some good news at that time, and it delivered.  From the moment Frank Sinatra (1974) opened the building with a concert, to the Cavs last game.

Long remember the Coliseum....

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Monday, 08 April 2019 17:28

MOVIE REVIEW - Pet Sematary

Pet Sematary is out, and is the most recent rendition of the Stephen King classic book, and this is quite good. 

 PS, is not ridiculously compelling, and this is not going to change cinematic history, but it is fun to see new life put back into great King classics.  This stars Jasen Clark, John Lithgow, and Amy Seimetz. This is what you would think, scary at times, with a hint of cheese and camp tossed in.  Visually this is quite good, and there is nice use of classic scare tactics, that are predictable, but work all at the same time.  This also has a nice thread that runs through it, that makes you examine your own thoughts on death, and what comes next.  King is great at that!

Seimetz is really great as the terrified mother of two, who is trying to make sense of the supernatural death setting she finds her and her family in. She is the star of this movie. 

If you have never seen this in any form before, this is going to be very intense at times.  If you're a veteran of the book and/or various versions that came before, I feel you may agree, this is the best rendition yet, and by far. 

Monday, 08 April 2019 09:43

The ACM's Keep Us Talking

The ACM  Awards were last night, and of course the show was incredible TV, as usual.  The CMA's and the ACM's both over the past number of years revolutionized awards shows in general, by making them practically concerts over just award shows.  

Both shows leaning heavily on showcasing its stars and music, as opposed to lots of other elements that have taken over other award shows. This years ACM's were no exception.  But there was something even more unique from this years awards in general.

Lots of raised eyebrows over some of the award winners, and that is fine, as it spurs a healthy debate.  As where there is absolutely no question artist like Luke Combs, Jason Aldean and others are dominating airplay, sales, both music and concerts, and score exceedingly high in the court of fans opinions, the night belonged to Keith Urban, Dan And Shay, and Kacey Musgraves,  

You can't say anymore that these award shows are predictable, this one is one of the most wide ranging ever, and will keep the conversation going on where we are going in the long run.

Talk is always good.


Thursday, 04 April 2019 11:17


The Best Of Enemies 

Based on a true story about a civil rights case.  This stars Taraji P. Hinson, and Sam Rockwell.  Good cast, and the story on its surface seems strong enough. Both of them are really on a roll right now, and this may be the biggest step, especially for her, as her movie career is kicking into high gear.





This is an adult drama that because of the time of the year, Spring Break, may get lost in the movie hype of younger themed movies also released this week and in weeks past.



More superheros.  This seems to have a whole lot of parody and fun attached to it. This will be a major hit.



Pet Cemetary

Seems all the Stephen King books that were once movies are getting a second chance and this time around hoping to be taken a bit more seriously than the first time around.  It did very well, and so will this. And when this does, look for more King classics to get a second chance as well.



Thursday, 04 April 2019 09:03

Luke Combs - Regular Guy

Luke Combs is on pace to be something that is the rarest of the rare.  A "regular guy" seemingly coming out of nowhere and rocketing to the top of the charts, and the format in general.  You have heard all the numbers, #1 here, and there, for tons of weeks.  It has all happened so fast, it's remarkable.

And this is just getting started.  Luke Combs is making a career out of flat out great, relatable music being delivered to you from a guy who is giving you a voice.  He reminds us of - us.  He's just a guy, who has the same feelings we do, with a mixed bag of emotions in his songs and it seems there is no wall between us and him.

This song and video says it all  -

He sings with feelings and words you want to hear, or he says them for you, in common speak if words don't come easy for you.  He is the "every man."  He is what many hope to be when they jump off the bus with a guitar on their backs at the Nashville bus station.  It's straight forward, it's honest and it's reality.  He gives the "regular guy" a voice, which is turning out to be anything but regular -  but rather something beyond exceptional.

Wednesday, 03 April 2019 09:11

An All Star Season!

With the Indians season underway and things starting to warm up, we have much to look forward to.  The 2019 All Star Game is coming to Cleveland and the area is pretty geeked up!  Cleveland will host its 6th All Star Game, which is more than any other franchise!

I am a big Tribe fan, and a 20 game season ticket holder (section 172).   I remember as a kid when the All Star game seemed like such a big deal, and it was.  It was baseball on during the week, which was rare enough, but all those stars coming together was just magical.  With today's athletes, the pay, the hype and the saturation of games on TV, it may seem less of a big deal than it was in our youth.  

But when it comes to your town?  It's not less at all.  Having he entire baseball and social media world coming to, and watching your town is the stuff that evokes immense civic pride.  I have always said that nothing can galvanize a city like a winning baseball team.  It's the every day-ness of it, the pressure, the drama, and the post season. 

Best part is this year the momentum will continue through July, as where the rest of the baseball world has a few days off to rest, we will just be warming up for the fun to come.

Who can forget the last time we had the All Star Game?  Indian great Sandy Alomar WON the game for the American League!  And was the games MVP! 

Tuesday, 02 April 2019 05:34

Be A Star In Nashville

Nashville is one of the favorite getaway destinations for a whole lot you, and for me too.  Easy drive, easier flight with an endless amount of fun waiting on the other end.  You may love Broadway, the rooftop bars, and the incredible music.  But before you do all that, maybe a tour of the Ryman Auditorium.

I have been to the historic Ryman many times, always business related, but I had never been given the proper tour, and I am glad I did.  For a few bucks, you can do all kind of cool things, and see areas a regular ticket holder cannot.  That includes getting a chance to get your picture taken on stage at a place many fans believe is more amazing than Carnegie Hall.  Windy and I did it, and we had a blast.

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We made the most of our moment, and have the pictures to prove it.

And oh yea, eat BBQ too.


Monday, 01 April 2019 18:40

MOVIE REVIEWS - In Theaters Now!

Let's see what is new and what is on the way at the movies

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