Saturday, 14 November 2015 08:04


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My All American

This is a small movie about a really big, true story from the University of Texas' football program. It's the story of a young and overachieving football player named Freddie Steinmark as told through the eyes of former great football coach, Darrell Royal (Aaron Eckhart).  Steinmark is an incredible personal story that is absolutely worth telling.


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This is very reminiscent of movies like The Rookie, Remember The Titans, and others.  National critics have been tough on this, and frankly I don't understand it. This is a family movie, with a story you don't know, told in a fashion that is mass appeal. Sure, there are better movies with stronger scripts and bigger budgets, but so what?  We need movies for all kind of audiences, and this is a spot on family movie that all can enjoy. Perfect?  Heavens no, but this is alright.

Love The Coopers

It is becoming more commonplace, where you put a bunch of big Hollywood names together on stage, and belch out a real dog.  And this is the latest debacle.   Diane Keaton, John Goodman, Amanda Seyfried, Ed Helms, Marisa Tomei, Olivia Wilde and many others got together to make a new holiday movie that was a very bad idea.

There are a few moments that are funny, but by and large this is a story about people you don't like, that are amazingly dysfunctional, and telling a story you wish had never been written.  There is some real horrible writing here, and we finally get learn just how bad some of these actors really are.  Filmed horribly with some seemingly silly filter on Keaton's face for much of it that is really elf absorbed and distracting. Wilde, who looks great on camera, turns in a dog of a performance, and why Helms and Seyfried are even cast here is beyond me.   This is one of the dogs of the year.


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