Wednesday, 17 May 2023 23:15

Let's talk Guardians baseball

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They say "There's no crying in Baseball" about panicking? or at least biting fingernails? I know that's going WAY too far at this point in the season, but MAN! The Guards are 6-8 in the month of May so far, but is it me or does it seem worse?! We started out the month losing the series to the Yankees in New York. Then we won the series with Minnesota at home, but then immediately lost the next series at home to Detroit. Next, we took 2/3 from the LA Angels at home, but now BEST case is we lose 2/3 in Chicago against the White Sox.

This franchise has a history of playing so-so baseball early and then they come alive as we head toward the playoffs. It would just be nice for a change to get off to a great start and keep that momentum going. As a Guards/Indians fan for 25 years, I guess I know what to expect - those really good, exciting series in August and September. 

Read 376 times Last modified on Wednesday, 17 May 2023 23:33