Thursday, 18 July 2024 18:19

Happy Gotcha Day!

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Today, I celebrate the 5th Gotcha Day for my cat Butercup. It was on July 18, 2019 that my ex Vinnie and I adopted Buttercup and welcomed him into our home.

The night before I had finished working a shift here at work and when I got home, I pulled into the driveway and noticed Buttercup sitting by the front door. My headlights scared him, but I went inside and told my ex to grab some food and water and let's go back outside. We did, and found him hiding under the car. He was very easily coaxed out by the food and we sat petting him for about an hour. Then it was time to call it a night.

The next afternoon, we saw him in the backyard, and my ex said "I'm going to grab him and bring him inside". So he did, and we took him to the vet the next day. He checked out perfectly healthy and no chip, so we decided to adopt him as a friend to our other cat at the time. 

Five years, two health scares, and three of his nine lives later, Buttercup is still stealing our hearts all the time. Even though my ex Vinnie doesn't see him everyday anymore, We are in contact all the time about funny things Buttercup does or talking about his health conditions.

I TOTALLY didn't mean for this to turn out this long, but I love Buttercup so much and it's his pet version of a birthday!

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