Friday, 19 July 2024 18:08

Do I have to go to work today?

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Don't get me wrong at all...I LOVE my job. I have dreamed of having a job like this for years. No matter what you do or how well you enjoy your job, we all have those days where we ask "Do I REALLY need to go to work today?"

Today was that day for me. I took Buttercup in for his vet appointment early this afternoon to get his Glucose checked (he's all good) and then when I got home, I sat down in my recliner in my sunroom. The windows in the house were all open, there was no humidity and I didn't even need the fan on to be comfortable!

I took a little nap and it was awesome! I woke up around 4:30 and it was time to leave for work. Except I would have been just as happy had I been able to stay there in my chair enjoying the afternoon air a few more hours. Here I am though and it IS Friday! Enjoy your weekend!

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