Tuesday, 17 October 2023 01:36

Secret Skills

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I've always been one of those people who is generally decent at most things, but not exceptional. I'm not the greatest skateboarder, guitarist, artist, or athlete, but I'm also not bad. I cast a wide net and enjoy doing a variety of activities; I simply don't have the patience to master just one thing. 

With that said, there are a couple of things that for some reason, I excel at doing. I like to call them my secret skills because I hardly use them every day, but when I do, it may come as a surprise to others how good I am at them. I've got a couple examples for you. 

First is Euchre. I can't necessarily count cards and I'm nothing special at most every poker game, but for some reason I am borderline flawless at Euchre. The game is, of course, just playing probabilities and taking calculated risks, so there is no such thing as perfection. My track record, however, speaks for itself. 

Next is something similar: the board game Risk. I played it constantly and won to the point where I was bored with all the victories. It just makes sense to me, and unless I have my opponents teaming up specifically to take me down or I'm getting the worst conceivable luck, I come out on top every time. 

One more table game I don't often lose at is Chess. I'm no Grand Master Bobby Fischer, but I'll take on anyone who wants to play. My brother and I played Chess competitively through elementary school into high school, and we both took home a bunch of trophies through the years. In high school, my Chess coach was a brilliant man who also taught physics and calculus. He was light work.

Unfortunately I am not secretly very talented at any competitive video games aside from Madden NFL '10 with the Wildcat offensive formation "Jet Pass" play as the Miami Dolphins. Well, that and Dig Doug. I tear that one up, but I'm awful at Pac Man and most every other arcade game. Go figure. 

Another activity I want to mention is hacky sacking. We would do it every day during lunch period in high school, and we all got pretty great at it. If it comes towards me, I'm hitting it back to you. I can do all the cool tricks and stalls, and can keep it volleying by myself for as long as I have the physical endurance. The same goes for pogo sticking. My friends will compete for how many bounces they can get while I can go until my legs give out. Oh, and I can also unicycle. 

My intention here is not to brag, but to give a little food for thought for you. I believe that everyone has to have at least one secret skill like my examples, and that's not to say you've got to be the best in the world at whatever that is. Maybe you're the bomb at cooking or you shred the keys on piano. Maybe you're really good at taking photos, playing Mario Kart, singing karaoke, or wrapping presents. 

Whatever it may be, give yourself a little credit for that which you excel at doing, and don't judge others for their failures. Someone could be a sub-par swimmer like me, yet crazy good at coding. You never know what someone has in their back pocket, unless maybe they're a personality on a hit radio station and write a blog for all the public to see which reveals their secret skills....

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