Monday, 05 August 2024 03:06


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It's the prime time to be on a motorcycle at this point in the year, and I've sure been riding often. Being on the bike is blissful, even if it's just for my work commute. 

Honestly, I might even prefer riding the old Nighthawk around in the dark, as I often do on my way to and from the station. Both the motorcycle and I stay cooler, for starters. It can get pretty hot sitting at a stoplight with the sun beating down on a black bike in ninety-degree heat. 

The biggest advantage of riding between dusk and dawn, though, is the lack of traffic. Although I'm debatably more difficult to see at night, I feel safer as one of the only vehicles on the roadways. Fewer cars should equate to a lesser chance for collision, with drivers distracted and otherwise. That's my theory, at least. 

Yet again, I'd like to casually remind you to please look out for motorcycles, day and night. It's something that means a lot to me, as a rider and as someone with friends and family who ride. Thank you, and thanks for listening to WQMX! 

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