Tuesday, 04 June 2024 01:27

WYNN - #28 - It's A Tie!

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Lookin' For Love - Johnny Lee - 1980


I Believe In You  - Don Williams  - 1980

For the first and only time we will have a tie for a position.  These two songs were both big hits on the country and A/C charts, and are both signature songs of the Urban Cowboy Era. They were also number one songs one month apart 1980.  There was a time that everyone on the planet knew these two songs.  What makes these equally important, is that they introduced country to a whole new batch of listeners who had never considered us before.  I know I have sounded hard on the Urban Cowboy movement at times, but that's only based on how long we attempted to ride "pop country" that was not at all marketable after it's initial introduction.  BUT it absolutely served its purpose early on, bringing us many new fans.

Looking for Love - Johnny Lee

This was a huge hit for a Texas local legend and struggling national artist named Johnny Lee.  This made it to the Urban Cowboy Movie Soundtrack. This song was a big number one for three weeks and has been used many times since in some fashion in commercials, specials and movies.  It was more of a pop sounding hit song than country.  But after this, Lee went on a decent run of pop-sounding country songs for the next few years till about 1985. Then the traditionalists started showing up and he and many others were ushered out.  But Lee scored 5 number one songs, and 17 releases, but none bigger than this.  This was a monster song!


I Believe In You

This became superstar Don Williams signature song going number one country, his 12th, and charting on the A/C charts as well. Williams had been around for many years before this, but this pointed his career in a new and much larger direction.  This is a great example of a song landing in the exact right hands of an artist.  I can't really imagine any artist besides Williams singing this song. This is easy to listen to, and to understand why it was so popular.  Williams became a Mega Star as a result of this work of art.  This was a song that has lived a great life since, and is a staple in about every country music collectors collection.


Last Week #29

My Full Profile On Don Williams

Wynn small pic

Read 360 times Last modified on Tuesday, 28 May 2024 12:05
