Thursday, 30 April 2020 01:16

SOCIAL MEDIA STUFF - 10 Album Challenge

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You have probably seen the Ten Album Challenge on Facebook.  It's been around for a while, and I was challenged to post one album per day, for ten days for ones that "Influenced my musical tastes"  or "made an impact on me"  I've seen it both ways and other ways too.  It's pretty interesting.

It said no reviews, no judgment, no order.  OK, I'm doing it, and before I posted even one, I sat back and really thought about it.  These ten, at least for me, are not all my favorite albums, although some are. But many of these, did open my eyes to new kinds of music that lead me to one of my favorites up the line.  But I took the "influenced my musical taste"  literally.  It's been very interesting to watch others do this too.  It's a look inside them a bit from a different prism, and you learn a lot about people you may know well.

Great Album

Eagles Their Greatest Hits 1971 1975

Many of mine I have found and been honest about, are albums from long ago. Because for many of us, when you're younger a lot of time music is a very heavy influence on many parts of your life.  I feel, like many in my business, I have very wide musical tastes.  There's not much I really don't like. (There is some...LOL)  But I grew up in a house that was theatrical, my mom was an artsy sort, and there was always music playing.  From pop and rock, to folk, to big band, instrumental, show tunes, to classical.  I was exposed to much as kid.  And a lot of it has stayed with me, and I'm glad. Just not the show tunes  LOL.  (I can do without them)

My list has a bunch of variety to it, and I'm glad.  The gift of many of these led me to a wider view of a particular kind of music, and that's a wonderful gift.  Example being,  Earl Thomas Conley's Fire And Smoke album.  I was new in Country Radio, and about 19 years old.  ETC showed me that Country was "cool" and was not at all the stereotypical music I thought it was then.  It's an amazing country album that still holds up well, (highly recommend) . My love for that album is still with me, and I am thankful for that.  His music convinced me there was more Country out there that was worth learning about, and that I was right where I was supposed to be professionally.  I have been in Country Radio ever since having great success all over the country for almost 40 years now. It opened my eyes, ears and most importantly, my mind. Thanks Earl. 

One Of The Most Important Albums Of My Life -


My entire list are albums that I all still love. They led me somewhere else, and expanded my musical horizons, and in the end have made my life far more joyous on the air and off  -  so far.  I am proud of my wide love of all kinds of music, and this challenge has reminded me that every journey begins somewhere whether you are talking art, movies, music or just life.

One Of My Favs Too -  Everyone Should Own This One


It's fun, try it, but be honest with yourself.  Don't worry about the clicks, the likes or the comments.  Just remember where the roots grew and where they continue to take you.

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Read 1140 times Last modified on Thursday, 30 April 2020 06:36
