Scott Wynn

staff tim homeScott Wynn is a Northeast Ohio native and a 42-year morning show host, coming to WQMX 19 years ago. Scott is a 3-time National Award Winning Radio Personality, including a CMA (Country Music Association) in 1997, and a CRB (Country Radio Broadcasters) in 2013. In addition, he is 18-time National Award Radio Nominee. Scott
has a long and consistent great ratings history, and a terrific track record of hosting very successful morning shows around the country.

Scott also has a great record of success for national and local on-air endorsements, fueled by a strong passion for radio, and a deep commitment to clients. Also embracing a deep connection to country music, and station listeners, and events understanding that is where all great shows and stations begin. Scott is a fixture at Blossom Music Center serving as a stage emcee at Major Country concerts. Scott is also an avid station blogger, writing extensively for the very successful WQMX Website (

Tuesday, 27 August 2019 01:34

Treat Yourself!

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It's not often many of us get to treat ourselves to a truly great meal that you, for the most part, can't make at home.  The Beautiful Windy and I went to the amazing Mallorca in Cleveland over the weekend to have some Paella and Sangria.  If you don't know, and I didn't till recently, paella is the picture above.  It is saffron rice, with shrimp, scallops, sausage, peas, chicken, other stuff, and a half…
Friday, 23 August 2019 01:20

MOVIE PREVIEW - New This Week!

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Angel Has Fallen This series rolls on, for whatever reason. Here we go again.  Our favorite Secret Service agent played by Girard Butler is again trying to protect the President!  But this time, he's the one in trouble. Buy why?   Guess we have go and see.   They can stop making these anytime now.  This series is simply not good. My Spy This comedy seems to have a formula that will work with families if…
Thursday, 22 August 2019 01:24

Radio Day - Storytelling Part 2

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With National Radio Day this week, we have been chatting about the essence of the biz.  I refer to what I do as storytelling, and it is.  But few are born natural storytellers. And for those who are granted the gift of gab, there are always those who help propel you to another level. Again, when I was a young broadcaster in Columbus in the early and mid-eighties, at WRMZ doing the morning show,  I…
Monday, 26 August 2019 01:09

New Use For Bacon?

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I have always maintained that no one tells the truth about flossing their teeth when the dentist asks.  You always say yes, they know you're lying, and they dig out the tarter and plaque. Flossing at home also tastes like you're at the dentist and no one likes that.  If you're a dentist, or hygienist sorry, but no one wants to be there.  It's not you, it's the act.  Flossing stinks, it's no fun, and…
Wednesday, 21 August 2019 01:00

Radio Day - Storytelling Part 1

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Tuesday was National Radio Day.  I have been doing this for 38 years, and this seems like a good time to pull the curtain back on this a bit.  Many people ask me what I call my job.  I don't like DJ, or Disc Jockey.  That is a very different and great skill set, that I don't have. That is very different than what I do.  There are other names, but Morning Personality, or Morning…
Tuesday, 20 August 2019 01:19

Dinosaur Dinner?

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For the first time in a long time, I was lucky enough to go to the Cleveland Natural History Museum.  I was there for a formal dinner with Windy, and it was sensational. Cool place, and the food was great.  Plus, how often do you get to eat dinner with a Tyrannosaurus Rex?    Our Table Was Right There!  And we got to see Balto! The REAL Balto, (although stuffed) but the one of the…
Thursday, 15 August 2019 01:38

It's Tribe Time - NOW!

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It's hard not to get caught up in what's going on with the Tribe right now. Erasing a 12 game defecit in the Major Leagues is pretty much unheard of, but they have done it.  What a season it has been so far!!  The past day or so has not been the best, but the Tribe is getting ready to make a strong stretch run. The Tribe sure puts on a GREAT show! I know…
Monday, 19 August 2019 01:13

Worth The Trip

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Just in case you have never gone to this place, here's some information so you may. Maria's Field of Hope in Avon is a fantastic place to see, visit, take pictures, and simply reflect.   This is a really beautiful place! - Windy introduced me to the idea of going last year, as I had never heard of it. It's in an area that I know well, and one she doesn't. We made the trek…
Wednesday, 14 August 2019 01:58

Best I've Ever Seen!

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I've been around this radio stuff for a few decades, worked many places around the country and have been a part of a lot of good radio promotions invented by good people.  But I have to say, that the WQMX Send Me Backstage T-shirts are about the best I've ever seen. We have been doing this a long time, and it seems to get better and better.  It's great to see all the colors of…
Monday, 12 August 2019 01:20

Play For The Guy Next To You!

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Last week when the Browns played their first preseason game, my favorite moment was when Damon Sheehy-Guiseppi, a guy that walked on to the Browns camp uninvited (under strange circumstances) ran a kick back for a TD.  What a terrific underdog story. The entire Browns team ran after him and mobbed him with excitement.  That shows me the team is on the right track.  Football can be unique that way.  GO BROWNS!  (Cover Pic -…
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