Friday, 29 September 2023 02:31

On This (Super) Harvest Moon!

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If you read my blog about the super blue moon we had at the end of August, you know I dig it when there's a full moon in the night sky. This time around, it is yet again a supermoon, albeit a less rare one. The full Harvest moon makes for the third supermoon we have been graced with within two months and it comes just two days after the moon reaches perigree, it's nearest point of orbit to earth.

It might be tough, if not futile, to see that big piece of cheese up there for the overnight into Friday, as mostly cloudy skies are forecasted through morning time. Friday night into Saturday seems like a better chance to catch it, and although it isn't technically full, you or I supposedly can't tell the difference as casual stargazers anyways. Here's a great resource if you'd like to learn more about the phenomena: 


 If you're having a bonfire or just out and about this weekend, make sure to check out that Harvest Super Moon! 


Read 466 times Last modified on Friday, 29 September 2023 02:55
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