Thursday, 28 September 2023 02:29

My Top Ten: Movies!

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There are so many great films out there, and everybody has their favorites. For me, I like a movie that isn't too difficult to follow, has a good soundtrack, and has a solid storyline free of any frustrating major plot holes. I like everything from action movies to foreign art films, but as you'll notice in my top ten, comedy and animated ones tend to be my prefrence. Sometimes I just need a good chuckle, and other times I like to have my emotions stirred. 

When I first started doing these Thursday Top Ten blogs, I figured it would be an easy way to write about something everyone can relate to. I had no idea how difficult it would be to settle upon my choices for these, as I like what I like and what that is could be different on any given day. Naturally, I will forget to include some stuff or will change my mind on the order, but all in all it is a lot of fun! (Side note: should I be doing The Tuesday Top Ten? It rolls off the tongue better, I think). 


Well, here's the list for my ten favorite movies; are any of these on your list?

10. Zombieland

9. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

8. Hot Rod

7. The Simpsons Movie

6. Talladega Nights

5. The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie

4. The Fast and the Furious

3. Cars

2. Fight Club 

1. Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World

*Bonus!* WQMX Weeknight Host Eric Matthews' Top 5 Movies:

5. Halloween IV

4. Scream 

3. Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid

2. Mrs. Doubtfire

1. Airplane!


I am too hyped for the "Scott Pilgrim Takes Off" anime coming to Netflix November 17th. I've read and own the graphic novel series, I have played the video game, and I have watched the movie literally hundreds of times. If you've never seen Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World, my favorite movie, you can peep the trailer here: 

Read 837 times Last modified on Thursday, 28 September 2023 04:33