Wednesday, 25 August 2021 01:48

WYNN - BROWNS - Just Two Things....

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There are a ton of reasons to be excited about the upcoming Browns season. They have done a whole lot of things right recently.  Now, the winning can begin.

So, what does it take to win a title in today's NFL? The quick answers are - good health, luck, a break or two, playing smart, a favorable schedule, winning at home, a good QB, and play some defense.  All sounds pretty basic and I think we can all agree there.  But lots of teams will do those things, or some of them, but only 1 can win a championship. So what are the other things?  Well, it's very easy and there's just two.  And good news, as of this writing, the Browns have both of them.

The team that will win the title will do what all title winners do. 

-  They will protect their QB

-  And they will pressure the opposing QB

It's just that simple. If you do those things very well, you'll win games, you'll win playoff games, and championship games. Because doing these things at an elite level lets everyone and every position group breathe easier and play better under far less stress.  The Browns are finally built right. They have the LEAGUES BEST offensive line, and two of the games most feared, and best defensive linemen.

If the Browns protect Baker Mayfield and let him do his thing, they will be tough to beat. Plus, that line will let us run the ball well.  And if the Browns get after ANY opposing QB on the regular, they will be very tough to beat. Teams that do this contend, just ask the Bucs and the Chiefs.  In last years Superbowl, Superman Patrick Mahomes was running for his life all night, while Old Man Brady could have played without a helmet and in a tuxedo.

That is about as basic as it gets. And we have the players to do it.  Now, there's a big difference between this small breakdown here and actually doing it.  So now, it's just time to do it, if not now, when?  No more moral wins, no more excuses, and no more wait till next year.

Guess what?  It IS next year!


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Read 1130 times Last modified on Wednesday, 25 August 2021 04:49
