Sunday, 31 March 2024 01:37

WYNN - BROWNS - It's Gonna Happen

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SW small Logo Lots of talk about where the Browns will be playing in the next number of years, and it's becoming clear it won't be where they're playing now.  Change is in the air, and I know that's tough for many to digest.  And for those on social media screaming that the owner wants to "move the team to another city,"  that can't really happen.  The Browns will be here, but where "here" is, is the talk now.

Haslam is out of the Pilot Flying J biz.  He's building a sports empire and wants Cleveland to be the center.  And like other NFL owners, he wants his own crown jewel facility - a palatial dome attached to his brand.  Yes, he loves the Browns, but he's a businessman and billionaire first.  And what they generally want is the chance to make more billions.  That's just what NFL owners do.  There is more and more feeling that he's going to leave Cleveland behind as far as the venue is concerned, and make his own deal outside of downtown.  And he's gonna pay for a whole lot of, if not all of it.

When you own a business that's your prerogative, as you've taken on the responsibilities of ownership and are entitled to make a profit and call the shots. Looks like he wants the Brook Park property with all its potential, and with that comes more responsibility and of course more profit.  He's in it for the long haul and he's going to have what he wants. With research backing him up, it's what fans want too  - And here's why.

Cities all over America are building them, including many warm weather areas like Atlanta, Los Angeles, and Vegas too. In 20 years NFL football will be mostly played indoors, and fans want a special experience especially for what it costs.  Players will want it as well.  Haslam's ego -  it's his place and it will match up with any other great palace in the NFL.  I mean look at Dallas or Arizona, or Vegas. 

But there's this, the long term lucrative benefits for him.  Ticket prices at a new dome will be very high, possibly sky high for the new experience.  Many cities like the aforementioned ticket prices are very pricey.  They'll keep all the parking money, which is said will have 14,000 planned spots.  Last year Windy and I went to a Tampa Bay Bucs game, parked next to the stadium in Tampa and paid $80.  Some places are over $200.  Do the math.  And the accessibility will be great as the horrendous parking problem we have now will be fixed.  He will lease out the venue to any major attraction he can.  The possibilities for him to use his place will be unending. 

But there's the Lakefront, and I understand peoples reluctance to let go. But honestly ask yourself this. What has happened there that's been positive for the Browns?  They are 84-117 at home since 1999 without a single playoff game ever played in that stadium.  It's been fun for many fans who love going there, as I did with the Indians and Browns growing up at Old Municipal Stadium.  But the Guardians have a new place and we don't miss the old.  And neither will Browns fans if the dome shows up. What happened 60, or 80 years ago was really great, but not so much since.

The Indians/Guardians have appeared in 3 World Series since leaving the lakefront with tons of division titles, after no real success after 1954. They are also among the winning-est teams in MLB since 2012, and that started with an aggressive owner that wanted a better home for his team.  You see, it could be a blessing to move.  Not building a dome could also make the area appear out of touch with fans and the future. With this you must think 2042, and not 2024.  Let Buffalo build what they want, even more reason to cash in here.

Could this be the reinvention this franchise needs?  We have a billionaire that wants to invest heavily in this area, and yes it will have ramifications for some others that may be less than pleasant.  But if the Browns do move to Brook Park, maybe that's the stimulus to get Cleveland going and develop one of the greatest assets it has, the Lakefront.  What other major city has that kind of lakefront and does nothing with it? 

I know diehards will land on the sword for the current to remain the same.  But it seems the Dome -  Is gonna happen.

My Previous Articles On This:

BROWNS - Planes, Trains & One Time Automobiles

BROWNS - People Are Different!

Wynn small pic



Read 1019 times Last modified on Saturday, 30 March 2024 12:52
