Wednesday, 25 January 2023 01:42

WYNN - Sleeping At The Movies!

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I saw this article and read it.  Yes, falling asleep during movies or TV at home is a problem lots of people have. I may be the wrong one to ask, because for the last 42 years I've basically been getting up at 230AM five days a week to do a radio show.  Yes, my schedule is all turned around and this is a problem for me at times.

I fall asleep at home watching movies especially if we start them too late.  I have never fallen asleep at the movie theater but I have seen and heard those that do. 

So, if falling asleep is an issue for you while trying to watch a show or ball game, take a look at this article to see if it can help. 

If you can stay awake long enough.........

Stop Falling Asleep Watching Movies

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Read 428 times Last modified on Monday, 23 January 2023 04:44
