Scott Wynn

Scott Wynn

Thursday, 09 April 2020 01:56

LOCAL - Dunkin' App - The Apps Have It!

Of course the state of things right now as far as our daily lives are concerned are strange to say the least.  But there will be some good to come out of all this when it passes - and it will. 

Convenience. All of us have learned that isn't to be taken for granted, like we always have.  But also there are many that have rebelled against super-convenience and even some tech that can make our lives better. And this pandemic has made that clear.  Take apps for instance.  We all have them of course in our phones, but many just use the ones that come standard.  But many have loaded in tons of new ones, and opened up a whole new way of doing things.  In fact the loading of apps into phones has skyrocketed the past few weeks as we are trying to keep as normal of life as possible. And with that right now, sometimes tech is needed.

Especially in the restaurant biz.  Let's take Dunkin for instance. I have been an endorser of them for years, and proud of it.

Love Dunkin'

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If you love Dunkin like I do, the app they have is the greatest thing.  You set it up, you order through it, pay through it, and then just drive in and pick it up.  No contact, no touch, no anything except your order waiting for you as you drive through.  They call it "frictionless"  I call it terrific!  This for them, and for a whole bunch of places is going to be a new way of really doing business.  I know, it's been around for years....true.  But not to millions of people that have resisted for this type of thing for years. But now the dam has broken, and the new users will now use this tech forever.

Easy As Can Be - Never Got Out Of The Car!

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I hate this virus thing as much as you do, and I am as ready as you to get back to dining out, travel, Tribe Games at Progressive Field, concerts at Blossom and everything else.  But, with perspective, there will be some good that comes out of all this. And this will be part of it. New ways to do commerce for many.  New revenue streams for places that learned they CAN do delivery or take out, and well!   And us -  We will be committed to the local franchisees more than ever before.

Download the Dunkin App - Click

If you're an old hat at the app thing, congrats.  If you're new to the party, welcome. There is room for you and room for all businesses to grow, now and when this has passed us!

Important From Dunkin'

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Wednesday, 08 April 2020 01:32


As we are trying to get through trying times, we are all supporting the local companies that make our area great. Restaurants have been hit hard, and we all are doing what we can to make sure they make it through to the other side in good shape.  For the foreseeable future, I'll feature a story of a local restaurant a time or two a week, so we can support them.

The Rail -  it doesn't get a whole lot more local than that.  They are a very interesting local story. 4 main locations in this area, with Akron and Canton the most local to us, and originated out of amazing Wayne County. They have about as good of burgers that you are going to find anywhere.   All Ohio beef, from Ohio farms, and all Ohio draft beers ties it tightly to the area.  This is an award winning place that is a blast to go to and food that is terrific.  And now, they have pick-up and delivery from 11-8 as we get through this tough time.

They support local fundraisers too, like the Akron/Canton Foodbank at the Hall of Fame!  Great Guys!  Great to see them there!

the rail

The Rail was born from the award winning City Square Steakhouse in Wooster which itself has been voted one of the best 100 steakhouses in America.  The burgers served on the bar menu there were so good they needed a place of their own to shine. So in 2011 The Rail was born. And over they years, they too have won awards that have placed them on the map as a real local favorite. 

I love The Rail. Their food is amazing, and so are the beers, and don't get me started on the milk shakes and the rest of the incredible menu.  And now, like a lot of really great local places we will be talking about, they are asking you to help them get them through this unprecedented time we are in.  Local eateries are the backbone of any city.  They give the area flavor, and an identity. Everyone loves their local places and joints.  The Rail employs, and supports local people on every level, from the staff, cooks, chefs, wait staff, local farms, distillers and breweries, all from Ohio.  How much better does it get than that?

Good Local People At The Rail 

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Let's make sure we all support all the local restaurants now, and later.  Let's make sure all of our friends and neighbors get through this, and I have a feeling The Rail and the rest of the locals will remember us when this is all over. 

Also - Important from The Rail -  Your safety

And oh yeah, have the Local Yokel, with sweet potato fries - grab some wings too!

The Rail carryout menu!

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Tuesday, 07 April 2020 01:25




If you must.  Overall seems to be the worst movie of the year, 2019.   Truth is, this has been streaming for a week or two, but now you can rent or buy.  Biggest $$ flop of 2019.


Litterbox-y.  Could be a fun and cheap guilty pleasure.



This too has been streaming. This is the biggest money flop of 2020 so far.  It opened to average reviews from critics, and a disaster in the back account.  Fans do like Robert Downey Jr., and many who saw this, liked it.  But does he need the Iron Man suit to have a hit from here forward?  It's possible.


Talking animals may be not the big deal they once were.


Little Women

Again, been streaming, but this is one of the best reviewed movies of 2019.


Reviewed well, award nominated, received well.  Just good!

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As we are waiting for life to get back to normal, we have found ourselves thinking things we do not normally think. After all, quiet time is seldom that in the mind.  At least for me.  Today I was out with WQMX on the radio, washing my beautiful 2020 Ford Escape (above) I leased at Klaben Ford in Kent.

As I was cleaning her up, I got to thinking on how much I like to drive this car, and that I don't get to do that as much these days.  But that will change. And I also deducted, this is the best car I have ever owned. - By a lot!   And I've owned a bunch in my life.  When Richard Klaben recommended this machine and told me of all the improvements Ford had made, his word was, and is good enough for me. As it always has been, for many years now. I signed and was on my way.  Best decision in a while.

I am a Ford guy. That statement is not meant to start a Ford VS. GM, or Ford VS. Mopar conversation.  All of the American auto makers are making the best cars in their history.  But Ford has a ton of connection to this general area, with the Brook Park Plant, among others.  I am also glad to see Ford is making ventilators in this fight we are in which makes me think I've hitched my wagon to the right horse.  Klaben too is a local company, so are we at WQMX, and I am a proud endorser of Klaben and have been for years.  I have bought, or leased cars from them, and will continue to do so.

My Escape is one amazing car. It's a middle of the road model, and it has all of the things one needs to have an incredible driving experience.  Now, I'm not saying for a minute that this has more style than a mid-60's Mustang, or even my 1974 Chevelle, (below) but there is no comparison on its engineering and dependability.  I am not one wishing for the good old days for cars and trucks.  I want the old ones to always exist, but I want the technology that is in the modern cars, from the Eco-Boost engine, to the Smart Trac grip on the road, to the heated seats. 

My First Real Car Back In The Day

Klaben 1974

Of all the cars I've had from Klaben over many years, and this is the best one.  I have never really felt that way about any car before. They have all been great!  But this one stands out, and I look forward to the next one somewhere up the road as Ford makes even more improvements. And combined that with great and honest people like Klaben who are here to make sure we all have exactly what we need as drivers.  Please support local business now  - especially now, and continue that habit when we come out the other side of this.

I Loved My Ford Focus (2014) And My Ford Escape (2011) I Bought And Leased From Klaben

klaben cars 2

And we will, without question.  And the local businesses will not forget we supported them at the most crucial time.

Also Important -  Read this from Richard Klaben

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Friday, 03 April 2020 01:48


New DVD – The Rise Of Skywalker 


Stuff  -  Ozark Debuted last weekend with it's next season.   I have just started with this, and so far very entertaining.  I'll continue to catch up this weekend - Highly adult.

Call Of The Wild  -  With Harrison Ford was released for home use. This was doing very well at the box office will the shutdown. - Great family viewing. Worth a family watch. 

Tiger King   - Is still all the rage.  Still causing a stir on social media.  If you haven't, you should. good, strange television. - Teen plus.

Chernobyl  - Incredible.  This was on about a year ago on HBO.  6 part series that if you missed it, it's one of the best things I have ever seen on TV.  - Teen to adult, true story. GREAT!

The Pharmacist!   4 part series about the the opiod problem. True story, riveting, Very well done.  - Teen to adult.

Intersting Info - 

We are willing to pay $5-8 for a new theatrical movie releases to our home, but not $20  Studios are going to have to rethink this I believe.  Great idea, price -  not so much.  I do think as a result of this, this may become a new normal when this is all over.

Theater Chains are going to have to reinvent themselves for the new way of doing things. 


ALSO -   Streaming as of now!  -  These were in theaters when the theaters closed. 

Just Mercy   -  Jamie Foxx, Micheal B. Jordan  - Crime drama from Christmas. Great performances, true story.

The Way Back  - Ben Affleck  -  Basketball movie came out the week of the shutdown

Harley Quinn  -  Margot Robbie  -  Box office flop, but could do well here at this time.

Bloodshot -  Vin Diesel - Came out weekend of the shutdown.  Superhero stuff

The Gentleman  -  Big cast, and a victim of the shutdown.  Dark, violent comedy.

Doolittle  -  Robert  Downey Jr. -   People that saw it liked it. Big flop, may do well here though

Onward  - Animated -  Never had a real chance as theaters closed -  Pixar.

The Hunt  -  Violent, and never had a chance as theaters closed that weekend

Emma  -  Very well reviewed classic story

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Thursday, 02 April 2020 01:00

LOCAL BUSINESS - Amy Wengerd Is A Rock Star

You don't buy or sell a house very often, and honestly that's a good thing. Buying a house can be fun and exciting, but selling one...well.   Selling, on the surface is not near as joyous.  At least at the beginning of the process.   If you have to sell your home right now, I am here to tell you it can be done.

I owned my now 90 year old beautiful home since the time she was a spry 71.  She is a great place on a real nice corner lot, in a historic district.  I loved that place.  I am proud of the fact I turned out to be the best friend it has ever had.  I was owner #4 of the house since 1930. When I bought her she needed a bunch, and I gave it to her.  Of course when you own an older home, they need stuff.  And after 19 years, she was better than the day she was built.  I lived in that house longer than any house in my life.  But my life changed, as have I, and it became a whole lot for me to take care of alone.  Between work with a daily 2:30 AM wakeup call, and the house, it was all I was doing. And then I met The Beautiful Windy, and my priorities changed then too.

I Loved My Covered Porch!

house flags

I have proudly endorsed The Amy Wengerd Group for about 8 years now on the air on WQMX.  Amy is one of the best people I know on or off the job.  She and her husband Joe run a really great company and have filled it with incredible people.  Not only is she one of the best realtors on earth, but she is always asking me, what more we can do to support the community, or what great causes to get involved with. She is a huge sponsor of our Bosom Buddies, Tree Of Lights, on WQMX and her new TAWG campaign supporting NEOPAT.

Porch, Flowers, and Flags!

house flower

I called Amy, and said it was my turn to sell the old house.  She guided me through the entire thing like the most skilled ships captain you can imagine, sometimes in rough waters.  I trust Amy.  I did what she recommended.  I listened to her solid advice, and followed her lead on the entire sale.  My home is not everyone's cup of tea.  We had to find the right kind of buyer, in the right place, at the right time.

Juneau And I Lived There A Long Time Together

house juneau

Then the world conditions obviously changed.  She steadied me when I needed it, and guided me through these uncharted waters with a calming tone, and the confidence that is only gifted to the very seasoned in any business.  And in the middle of this pandemic, she got it done. I was thrilled.  I AM thrilled.  And of course, relieved.  There is pressure in selling a house as you have a lot on the line.  Your next chapter, your next dream can't begin till this one is put to bed. That's why you need a real pro to do it.

Sold Quickly, What More Can You Ask?

91298982 10219064385752036 4099797406474829824 o

For most of us, this is the largest transaction of our lives, and we need it right.  I have always stated on the air you want someone of high character to handle it. Someone you trust.  You have to understand they are the pro, and that's Amy and her team.  I am proud to have my name next to hers, now and for years to come. 

Amy Wengerd - Rock Star Of Real Estate

house amy

Thanks again Amy, a thousand times thanks!

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Tuesday, 31 March 2020 01:10


Only one major release this week, and you'll understand why!

Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker

When there is a major blockbuster like this, most studios get out of the way, and let this happen.  This is well timed as we are looking for something fun to watch.


Will be huge!


Call Of The Wild

Is being made available to you for home use this week. This was doing well at the box office before the shutdown, and this is worth a family watch party.  Well done here!


ALSO -   Streaming as of now!  -Check where and when

Just Mercy   -  Jamie Foxx, Micheal B. Jordan  - Crime drama from Christmas. Great performances, true story.

The Way Back  - Ben Affleck  -  Basketball movie came out the week of the shutdown

Harley Quinn  -  Margot Robbie  -  Box office flop, but could do well here at this time.

Bloodshot -  Vin Diesel - Came out weekend of the shutdown.  Superhero stuff

The Gentleman  -  Big cast, and a victim of the shutdown.  Dark, violent comedy.

Doolittle  -  Robert  Downey Jr. -   People that saw it liked it. Big flop, may do well here though

Onward  - Animated -  Never had a real chance as theaters closed -  Pixar.

The Hunt  -  Violent, and never had a chance as theaters closed that weekend

Emma  -  Very well reviewed classic story

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Sunday, 29 March 2020 01:12

COUNTRY MUSIC - Joe Diffie Passes

This is a tough one for many reasons.  Joe Diffie passed away this weekend, from Covid-19.  Tough because of the way, his age, and the fact his talent was universally recognized in Country Music as amazing.  And he was lauded by his peers, for years.  I played every Joe Diffie song - proudly.

I loved listening to Diffie sing a country song.  It was about that simple. He had a great line of hits in the 1990's, and a few number ones, but numbers aren't the story behind Diffie.  He was up against the heavy hitters of the era, George Strait, Garth, Alan Jackson, Clint Black, Brooks And Dunn, Shania, and others who dominated the headlines and charts in those days. Diffie was more in the Mark Chestnut, Doug Stone, Tracey Lawrence, Terri Clark catalog. Stars that made great songs, had a bunch of hits, but were overshadowed by the titans of the era.

But he found a niche of fun country anthems, a couple of almost parody songs, and some that were flat out gut-wrenchers.  You see, his versatlity was enviable, and damn rare.  In fact, it was far beyond damn rare.  And it stood alone as the best in the format in his era. Most of those titans would tell you the same thing.  Joe Diffie knew where the notes were, and he found them perfectly, no matter what he was singing. 

Country Songs Don't Get Much Bigger Than This! 


His very colorful life off the stage is worth a Google search.  But his life in our format was terrific.  I always looked forward to a new Diffie song in those days, because you didn't know what style you were gonna get.  But, you did know you were going to get a great song.  That was Diffie's calling card.  He stated that again and again.  He was always looking for great SONGS.   And great songs for HIM.  Things every artist should really keep in mind. Too many in our format don't adhere to that simple rule.  Many times we don't really believe the words being sung by an artist in order to get out as many hits as possible.

 Almost A Parody Song, But Still A Fun Message..


Diffie though was disciplined in that regard.  He recorded "Joe Diffie Songs."  And history will kindly remember that.  Most of his songs, you can't imagine anyone else singing. THAT was the essence of Diffie.  A rare holding of the line, thinking more was not more. Better was more. 

And A Good Old Fashioned Gut-Wrencher!


Rest easy Joe.  We will remember you - Always.   Because you made it impossible for us not to.

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Wednesday, 01 April 2020 01:57

LOCAL BUSINESS - A Note From Dr. Kate!

Little things make me happy.  I don't know exactly where that came from but I have a theory or two.   My dad died when I was a teen, and after that I was glad for every good thing that came my way.  Some of it too is DNA from him.  He celebrated small things - big.  I learned over time that there are few "small"  things when it comes to kindness.

A month or two ago, my long time dentist told me he was retiring so I started looking for a new one.  You don't make these kind of changes very often, and I wanted to get it right.  And I did!  I chose Dr. Kate Raymond and her staff in Norton! Her amazing dental office is as modern as you would want.  I know that right now, dentists are not operating normally, but this will pass, and if you need a place like I did, you should think about hers.

The other day, I received this card - in the regular mail -  from her office that was signed buy the ENTIRE staff welcoming me to the practice.  This made my day in about every way.  First, a card is always nice. Second, it's a rare thing today, and it made me feel like my biz was valued and that I made a great decision.  All seems to be true.

What A Nice Note! 

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Might be a great practice to start at your small business.  You know one day soon this virus stuff is going to be over, and I, and I think you, are going to remember those places of business that went up and beyond, when it was far easier not to. 

They have my business for life.  By good service and a simple card. 

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Friday, 27 March 2020 04:28

WEEKEND - Movies and Info!

This weekend, again is a very different kind of weekend for your entertainment.  Here are some helpful ways to help you find something to watch and look forward to.

New This Week – Theaters Closed!

New DVD / Streaming – 1917 / The Grudge

Movie StuffWonder Woman 84, has been officially delayed until August

Stuff 2  - Netflix pledged $100 million in relief to out-of-work production community.

Stuff 3  One year ago, Captain Marvel was number one with 70 million....

Stuff 4 - The creators of Netflix’s Tiger King -  a follow-up season is a possibility!

Stuff  5 - Looks like a Tiger King Bio-Pic is on the way

Stuff 6 -  Hallmark again will run Christmas movies starting today at 12Noon!

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